Public employment services for businesses and organisations 

Employment services offer help to employers and entrepreneurs on recruitment and competence development of staff, changing situations and the beginning of entrepreneurship.  

Tailored services are designed to meet different service needs of companies and other employers.  

Employment services include: 

  • recruitment of staff and recruitment support, 
  • competence development of staff, 
  • reduction of staff and job transition security, and 
  • services for new entrepreneurs and enterprise development services.

Employment authorities are responsible for organising employment services. You can contact the employment authority in your area directly if you have feedback and development proposals related to employment services. 

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland is responsible for overseeing the legality of employment authorities and services. More information on supervision and instructions for filing a complaint is available on the website of the Regional State Administrative AgencyLink to an external website

Inquiries:Ahti Avikainen