Strategies and operational planning

Plates on the wall say Finnish Government and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

The Ministry’s work is guided by the Government Programme and the strategy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and its administrative branch for 2024–2030. 

The most important goal of the economic policy of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government is to achieve sustainable growth. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and its administrative branch are in a key position in creating the conditions for this.

The strategy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and its administrative branch supports the efficient and effective implementation of the Government Programme and form the basis for the performance guidance of the administrative branch.

The operational and financial planning of the administrative branch are based on four-year spending limits, the Budget and multi-annual performance agreements. The Government decides annually on the spending limits for different administrative branches. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment prepares a budget proposal for each year, which is based on the spending limits confirmed by the Government.

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