Information about the website
Service content
The web address for the MEAE website is The Ministry of Economic Affaris and Employment is responsible for the website, and it is maintained by the MEAE's Communications Unit in cooperation with the ministry's departments and units. The online service in available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
The home page lists the Ministry´s latest news in the form of news highlights and press releases. Additionally, the home page highlights key services and current themes.
The Current Issues section includes the ministry's press releases, news, speeches and columns. Users can subscribe to information in which case materials are sent directly to the user's email. The section also includes highlights from the MEAE's social media channels.
The Areas of Responsibility section gives an extensive account of the ministry's activities and tasks from promoting enterprise to employment, energy-related matters, labour immigration and integration, competition and consumer policy and the development of regions.
Projects and Statute Drafting includes information on the ministry's ongoing projects and active working groups.
The Ministry section gives an account of the MEAE's tasks and objectives, management and organisation, the Group's agencies, departments and enterprises as well as matters related to readiness. The section also provides information on the ministry's staff, the economy, the ministry as a workplace and the ministry's history.
The menu at the top of the page provides access to the websites of other ministries as well as the Government Media Service, which requires registration. In addition to this, every page provides access to the search function, contact information, the feedback form and the sitemap.
The Government Media Service includes press releases, invitations, materials on decisions made during Government sessions and contact information intended for the media representatives, who have registered with the service. All of Finland's ministries produce information for the Media Service.
The MEAE website provides an RSS feed of news materials.
The search function can be accessed from the top menu bar.
Searches target content on the entire website by default. The quick search option searches for all entered search words and the language of the website. The Boolean operator 'AND' is automatically added between search words. Search words can also be cut into sections. The search results are listed by document publishing date.
If you have any questions or feedback on the MEAE website, please send these via the feedback form. Feedback is read and processed during office hours, and answered within a week. You will only receive an answer to your feedback or questions, if you have supplied your contact information (email, or name and mailing address). Answers to feedback are generally sent via email. Official mail should be sent to the MEE registry registry.tem(at)
Internet browsers and terminal devices
The website is responsive, and its content has been scaled to terminal devices. The layout of the pages is best when viewed with the newest browser versions. The website can be viewed with older browser versions, but in this case, all the features may not be in full use.
File downloads and reader applications
The user must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to read PDF files. The programme can be downloaded free of charge.
Direct internet broadcasts and video recordings have also been embedded in the website, and these are provided as streams from a separate server in a form supported by the terminal device.
Terms of Use
Please read the Terms of Use carefully. By using the page, you agree to the Terms of Use in their entirety.
The copyright for the text and images published on the website belong to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy or to an information producer cited on the website.
Use of and linking to the text material on the page is permitted for appropriate purposes provided that the source is referenced. Use of the material as such for commercial purposes requires prior permission from The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
Photographs and right of use
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is the only party that may use photographs that appear on the website, with the exception of the image bankLink to an external website from which the management’s photos can be downloaded for use by the media or for seminars.
Please note that the Prime Minister's Office publishes photos in its own image bank and on Flickr.
Legal notice
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the website.
In making the content available, every effort is made to keep the information up-to-date and accurate. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is not responsible for any expenses or damage incurred by the user because of errors that might exist on the site. The ministry is also not responsible for any damage caused by technical error or by materials the website links to that are published by a third party.
When moving to a linked website the Terms of Use of that website are applied. The MEAE is not responsible for the updating, publishing or ensuring the accuracy of information on these third party websites.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has the right, but no obligation to monitor and check the areas of the website where users send or transfer messages as well as the content of this communication. The MEAE is not responsible for the content of this communication regardless of whether copyright, defamation, protection of privacy or other laws are applied to it. The ministry can, at its own discretion, delete from its website material sent by a user that is considered inappropriate.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is not responsible for the payment of any type of compensation or remuneration for the use of its website or the information provided through it.
The ministry cannot guarantee the confidentiality of messages sent in the open information network. The user should not send any confidential information via email.
The material on the website cannot be considered a binding offer, call for action or commitment by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
The MEAE reserves the right to update, review or change its Terms of Use, as well as the content and layout of its website. The user should regularly check the currently valid Terms of Use from this page. The ministry has the right at any time without separate notice to shut down its website for maintenance, repair or update procedures.
The user agrees to reimburse in full any damage caused by use of content that violates the Terms of Use.
If any part of these Terms of Use is found to contradict with unconditional legislation or is otherwise unenforceable, this part will not affect the validity of any other section of the Terms of Use.
Finnish legislation will apply to the Terms of Use and their interpretation with the exception of provisions concerning conflicts of law.
Handling of personal data
The Ministry of Employment and the Economy is committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of site users, as required by the Personal Data Act. We do not collect data that would make it possible to identify individual visitors.
Read more about data protection
Cookies are text files that your browser stores on your device when you visit a website. This website uses cookies that are necessary for the functioning of the website, along with visitor tracking and analytics cookies.
Cookie policy
Social extensions
The website includes links and connections to third party owned websites and so-called social extensions. The plug-ins on the website that are maintained by a third party will load from the services' own servers. The website does not send information on users via social extensions.
Third party terms of use and other conditions are applied to services offered by a third party or third party provided application on the website.
Further information
For further information on the website, please contact the MEAE Communications Unit info.tem(at)