Energy efficiency agreements 2017–2025

Energy efficiency agreement scheme is a policy measure based on an agreement between the central government and the participating sectors for improving energy efficiency and saving energy. The comprehensive and efficient energy efficiency agreement scheme is an important measure for Finland to meet its energy efficiency obligations without having to  introduce mandatory procedures.

Voluntary agreements between the central government and the participating sectors have been used to promote energy savings and energy efficiency since the 1990s. The current agreement period will last until 31 December 2025.

The energy efficiency agreements for 2017–2025 concern four sectors: business and industry sector, municipal sector, property sector and the distribution of heating oils. The business and industry sector includes the agreements of industry, private services, energy production and energy services. 

Finland reports to the EU on the realisation of energy savings every two years. The current contract period runs until December 31, 2025. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Energy Agency will launch negotiations on the next 2026-2035 contract period in autumn 2023.

More information on the website: Energy Efficiency AgreementsLink to an external website


The Energy AuthorityLink to an external website under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the preparation, development and implementation of energy efficiency agreements.

The Energy Authority has commissioned the state-owned company Motiva Ltd to carry out tasks relating to the implementation, communications, reporting and monitoring of the energy efficiency agreements.

The companies that have signed the energy efficiency agreement can apply for energy and investment aid

More information: timo.ritonummi(at) and pia.kotro(at)

Energy audits

Energy audit is a systematic procedure with the purpose of obtaining adequate knowledge of the energy consumption and identifying opportunities to improve energy efficiency, to save energy and to use renewable energy.

Energy audits are divided into two parts: the mandatory energy audits of large enterprises, as provided for in the Energy Efficiency Act (1429/2014), and the voluntary energy auditing scheme for other enterprises. The voluntary audits are supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

Mandatory for large enterprises

The Energy Efficiency Act obligates large enterprises to carry out an energy audit every four years. Energy audits result in information of the energy consumption profile of a company or it units, identifying energy savings or energy efficiency improvements.

The mandatory energy audits of large enterprises are managed and implemented by Energy Authority of FinlandLink to an external website.

Subsidised energy auditing in municipalities and SMEs

Voluntary, subsidised energy audit is a systematic procedure with the purpose of obtaining adequate knowledge of the energy consumption and identifying opportunities to improve energy efficiency, to save energy and to use renewable energy The audits are conducted and reported according to instructions.

Motiva LtdLink to an external website provides instructions and guidance on voluntary energy audits.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment subsidises the voluntary energy audits of municipalities and small- and medium-sized enterprises. Carrying out an energy audit in accordance with relevant models and instructions is a precondition for energy aid. Business Finland grants the aid, and the application is submitted to Business Finland’s online service.Link to an external website

Read more about applying for energy aid: projects eligible for aid

More information: timo.ritonummi(at) and pekka.karpanen(at)