Developing work-based and study-based immigration

Finland’s attractiveness to international experts and their settling in and integrating into Finland involves many interdependencies. Finland’s international reputation and attractiveness from the perspective of job and career opportunities are affected by, for example, the accessibility and fluency of the services needed at the entry stage, as well as the experiences of international experts in Finnish working life.

Strengthening Finland’s attractiveness and retention power requires close and long-term cooperation between the state, cities, educational institutions, companies and other employers and actors.

Immigration of international experts and labour is developed through the national Talent Boost programme, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Country branding and increasing attractiveness

Country branding aimed at international experts started in 2018. The main messages of the #FinlandWorks brand concept, implemented with a Finnish lookLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab, tell about a functioning welfare state whose strengths are nature and sustainable development, family-friendliness, education and competence.

The #FinlandWorks Country branding and Attraction Coordination Group is chaired by Business Finland. Business Finland, the National Board of Education, the Academy of Finland, the Centre for the Development and Administration of Centres for Economic Development, Transport and of the Environment and Employment and Economic Development Offices, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment participate in the work of the coordination group. The #FinlandWorks brand can be used by all actors involved in attracting and recruiting international talents.

A model for international recruitment

Alongside the development of the residence permit system, a model for international recruitment is being prepared. This is also aimed at strengthening the knowledge base for the demand and supply of foreign labour. The model for international recruitment includes both corporate and personal customer target groups.

The four areas of the model for international recruitment are

  • information management,
  • customer relationship management,
  • corporate and personal customer services
  • continuous development.

Project for the development of immigrant legislation and permit procedures

In recent years, the work-based and study-based residence permit process has been accelerated and streamlined with legislative, operational and system changes. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Social Affairs and Health have established a joint project for the development of immigrant legislation and permit procedures to coordinate this work. The objectives of the project will be specified during the autumn of 2023 on the basis of the objectives and priorities of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government Programme. 

The system development work and communications measures aimed at accelerating the work-based and education-based permit processes are funded by the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), which is the largest programme of the recovery instrument Next Generation EU. The project will be implemented as part of the Talent Boost programme. 

Sonja Hämäläinen, Migration Director
Kristel Stenman-Huuskonen, Project Manager   

Combatting the exploitation of foreign labour

As the Finnish labour market becomes more international, more attention must also be paid to preventing the exploitation of foreign labour. In a number of working groups, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is constantly looking for measures to better prevent, detect and combat the exploitation of foreign labour. 

In recent years, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has prepared a number of legislative reforms and other measures to combat exploitation. Reforms to the Aliens Act and the Act on the Conditions of Entry and Residence of Third-Country Nationals for Seasonal Work, for example, will help prevent exploitation and improve the position of employees. The Working in Finland brochure, published in 24 languages, and the multilingual advisory tell you about the terms and conditions of employment in Finland and how to get help if you need it. 

Greater awareness of labour exploitation phenomena is also important, as prevention of exploitation requires extensive cooperation between different operators. 

Ariann Grandell, Senior Specialist