Applications and payments

Applications for energy aid are submitted to Business Finland. More detailed instructions are available on Business Finland’s websiteLink to an external website.

The final settlement should be applied for within four months of the completion of the project. Energy aid payments are made by the authority mentioned in the decision to grant aid based on progress in the project and the accounts presented by the aid recipient. Aid payments based on decisions made by a Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) should be applied from the Development and Administration Centre for the ELY Centres and TE Offices (KEHA Centre).

Aid payments based on old decisions made by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment should be applied directly from the Ministry. If the aid decision was made through Business Finland’s online services, payment should also be applied through the online services.

Aid payments based on decisions made by Tekes or Business Finland should be applied from Business Finland.

Please use the form when applying for payment based on old decisions from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment or the KEHA CentreLink to an external website (only in Finnish). Please use the online service of Business FinlandLink to an external website when applying for payment from Business Finland.