How Finland’s EDIHs were created

The European Commission selected European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) through an evaluation process and with the help of external experts. This EU call for application was open to pre-selected EDIH candidates at the national level.

Press release on EDIHs selected from Finland |

Finland’s EDIH candidates

In 2021, Finland selected the following candidates for European Digital Innovation Hubs through an open call:

  • FAIR – Finnish AI Region (responsible organisation VTT Technical Research of Finland Ltd)
  • SIX Manufacturing EDIH (Tamlink Ltd)
  • Location Innovation Hub (LIH) (National Land Survey of Finland/Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI)
  • 5STAR eCorridors (DIMECC Ltd)
  • WellLake EDIH (Business Jyväskylä)
  • HealthHub Finland (Turku Science Park Oy)
  • Robocoast EDIH Consortium (Prizztech Ltd)

Press release on selections 1 March 2021 |

In the subsequent phase, a limited call for applications for nationally pre-selected candidates was organised by the Commission. The EU application period was open from 17 November 2021–22 February 2022. The Digital Europe Programme Regulation entered into force on 11 May 2021. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment worked with the candidates and interest groups to prepare for the application process.

Finland's designated EDIH candidates

Finland’s candidates for European Digital Innovation Hubs are:

  • FAIR – Finnish AI Region (responsible organisation VTT Technical Research of Finland Ltd)
  • SIX Manufacturing EDIH (Tamlink Ltd)
  • Location Innovation Hub (LIH) (National Land Survey of Finland/Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (NLS FGI)
  • 5STAR eCorridors (DIMECC Ltd)
  • WellLake EDIH (Business Jyväskylä)
  • HealthHub Finland (Turku Science Park Ltd)
  • Robocoast EDIH Consortium (Prizztech Ltd)

Press release on the designation

In the next phase, a limited call for applications from nationally pre-selected candidates will be organized by the European Commission. The call will be open from 17 November 2021 to 22 February 2022. The Digital Europe programme regulation came into force on 11 May 2021. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is working with the candidates and stakeholders to prepare for the EU call.

National candidates were selected in an open call

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment organised a call for applications to select Finland’s candidates for European Digital Innovation Hubs on 18 November 2020–15 January 2021.

In total, 10 applications were receivedFile opens in a new tab pdf 470kB . Applications were evaluated by an independent panel. The objective announced in the call for applications was to submit 6–8 candidates to the European call. 

On 26–27 January 2021, the Commission and its partners organised a virtual EDIH event “Gearing Up towards European Digital Innovation Hubs”Link to an external website. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment received advance information of 14 EDIH applications being prepared in Finland. Their representatives had the opportunity to attend the event.

Before the national call for applications

In June-August 2020, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment carried out a survey of actors interested in becoming EDIHs. The survey highlighted two key themes and sectors, which may also be specialised fields of the EDIHs, and workshops exploring these themes were organised before the start of the application period. These themes are health and wellbeing, and manufacturing industry. The purpose of the workshops was to share information among those interested in acting as EDIHs, to help identify overlaps and synergies between the plans and to support the development of the plans.

Inquiries: Lasse Laitinen, Senior Specialist, tel.  +358 295 047 162 and Tiina Hanhike, Senior Specialist, tel. 0295 049064