Sustainable Growth Programme funding to companies from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and government agencies under its purview
They will relate to transformation of the energy system, energy and circular economy solutions in industry, and investments in research, development and innovation.
Research organisations can also submit funding applications for some projects, whereas other public sector operators can apply for funding for projects related to innovation infrastructures and experimental environments. The funding organisations – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Business Finland, ELY Centres and Energy Authority – will provide more detailed information on the calls for funding.
Business Finland and the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland
Funding available to companies
Funding applications on energy transformation and industrial energy solutions
Energy infrastructure
- Focus area: Funding is available for investments related to energy transmission and distribution, in particular the construction of district heating infrastructure to recover waste heat. In addition, funding can be granted for investments in the main electrical grid, the introduction of new innovative technologies in distribution networks, and the transmission of low-carbon gases and hydrogen.
- Timetable:
- Total funding: EUR 155 million
- Granting authority: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Funded projects: Ministry's web service
New energy technologies
- Focus area: Funding is available for investments in new energy technologies, such as offshore wind power, large-scale solar power, biogas, renewable transport fuels, geothermal heat and heat recovery.
- Timetable:
- Total funding: EUR 155 million
- Granting authority: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Funded projects: Ministry's web service
Low-carbon hydrogen and carbon capture and utilisation
- Focus area: Funding is available for investments and innovations related to the production of clean hydrogen and the capture and utilisation of carbon dioxide.
- Timetable:
- National call for applications for the so-called hydrogen IPCEI 11.6.–4.7.2021
- National call for applications for the so-called hydrogen IPCEI 26.10.–20.11.2021
- Eureka call for projects ”Green Hydrogen – European Infrastructure for Transporting Hydrogen” 31.7.–5.11.2021
- Application round for energy investment aid from 20 December 2021 to 4 March 2022
- Total funding: EUR 130 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Funded projects: Ministry's web service
Direct electrification and decarbonisation of industrial processes
- Focus area: Funding is available for solutions that reduce carbon dioxide emissions in industry, such as electrification of processes, hybrid solutions and the utilisation of heat pump technology and waste heat.
- Timetable:
- Total funding: EUR 48 million
- Granting authority: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and possibly Business Finland
- Funded projects: Ministry's web service
REPowerEU application round for energy investments
- Focus Area: The aim of the aid scheme is to promote clean transition investments that are in line with the REPowerEU chapter of Finland’s Recovery and Resilience plan. The investments contribute to Finland’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2035 by stimulating the introduction of new clean technologies for energy production and use, and/or by promoting the development of the production and storage of renewable hydrogen on a commercial scale
- Timetable:
- Call 29.1.–29.2.2024
- Total funding: EUR 54,5 million
- Granting Authority: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Support for public infrastructure for distribution and refuelling of electricity and renewable hydrogen in transport
- Focus area: Replacing fossil fuels with the support of a public infrastructure for distribution and refuelling of electricity and renewable hydrogen in transport.
- Timetable: competitive tendering
- 16.5.2022–13.6.2022, 5.10.–26.10.2022 (high-power charging points for vehicles)
- 20.6.–22.8.2022, 5.10.–26.10.2022 (renewable hydrogen refuelling points)
- Total funding: EUR 13,6 million
- Granting authority: Energy Authority
Energy Authority: Infrastructure support in transport (in Finnish)
Investments promoting the reuse and recycling of key materials and industrial sidestreams
- Focus area: Investment support for the circular economy will accelerate the reuse and recycling of industrial waste and sidestreams, such as materials from the bioeconomy and other key industrial sectors. These include battery materials, plastic, textiles, electrical and electronic equipment, construction and demolition materials. The funding will be allocated to pilot and demonstration facilities, the first commercial investments in facilities and related RDI activities, and the introduction of new technology promoting reuse and recycling.
- Timetable:
- Call for funding applications 23.8.2021–31.3.2022 (batteries)
- Funding call for recycling and reuse investments 15.9.–15.12.2021
- Funding call for recycling and reuse investments 22.8.–5.10.2022 (in Finnish)
- Battery industry funding call 17.1.–31.3.2023
- Funding call for recycling and reuse investments 8.6.–27.9.2023
- Total funding: EUR 110 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Low-carbon built environment
- Focus area: The aim is to speed up the introduction of technologies, services and operating models in the construction sector that combat climate change and support decarbonisation, to change operating methods and to increase productivity. This is a measure of the Ministry of the Environment’s administrative branch and a large part of the funding calls will be organised by Business Finland.
- Timetable: Funding will be granted in accordance with the preliminary plan in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
- Call 23.8.2021–15.10.2021
- Call 23.8.2021–31.3.2022
- Call 1.9.2022–31.10.2022
- Call 2.12.2022–14.4.2023
- Total funding: EUR 32 million, according to a preliminary plan.
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Business Finland: Low-carbon built environment – Call for innovation funding applications
Research, development and innovation (RDI) funding
A competition for leading companies started in June 2021. Later, funding applications will be accepted for the development of innovation infrastructure and key sectors of the future as well as for innovation projects by growth companies.
Leading company funding
- Focus area: The objective of the leading company funding is to significantly increase the RDI activities of companies in Finland and to create new jobs and ecosystems worth billions of euros aiming at new business
- Timetable: Call from 2 June 2021 (Call has ended)
- Total funding: EUR 100 million, 5 projects
- 2021, total EUR 40 million: Nokia: Competitive Edge, Wärtsilä: Zero Emission Marine
- 2022, total EUR 60 million: Borealis Polymers: SPIRIT Sustainable Plastics Industry Transformation, Meyer Turku: NEcOLEAP and Valmet: Beyond Circularity
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Key sectors of the future
- Focus area: Funding related to the key sectors of the future is available for the partnership projects of leading companies.
- Timetable:
- Call 16.4.–30.9.2021
- Call 30.9.2021–13.4.2023
- Total funding: EUR 25 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Business Finland 30.9.2021: Partnership model funding call for companies and research organizations
Innovation infrastructures and experimental environments
- Focus area: Funding for building or developing testing, experimentation, research or innovation infrastructures that support sustainable growth and digitalization.
- Timetable:
- The idea phase's proposals 14.10.–15.12.2021.
- The actual funding calls 18.3.–23.5.2022 and 20.2.–28.4.2023
- Total funding: EUR 20,75 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Innovation projects by growth companies
- Focus area: Funding will be allocated to research and innovation projects by SMEs seeking growth through exports.
- Timetable: Call for funding applications 23.8.2021–31.10.2022
- Total funding: EUR 18 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Business Finland: Green transition for growth companies: Innovation funding call
5G/6G, artificial intelligence and quantum computing
- Focus area: Funding for building or developing testing, experimentation, research and innovation environments that promote the development of 5G/6G, AI or quantum computing.
- Timetable:
- The idea phase's proposals 14.10.–15.12.2021
- Call for funding applications 18.3.–23.5.2022
- Call for funding applications 20.2.–28.4.2023
- Total funding: EUR 10 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
- Focus area: Call for Finnish proposals for the participation in the new (IPCEI) in microelectronics and connectivity (ME-CT).
- Timetable:
- Call 12.7.2021–23.8.2021.
- Call for funding applications 20.2.–28.4.2023
- Total funding: EUR 15 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Sectors impacted by COVID-19 and leading international growth companies
Funding for renewal of creative industries
- Focus area: Funding for the development, renewal and improved international competitiveness of creative industries.
- Timetable:
- Call for proposals 3.8.2021–31.8.2021. Call for funding applications 15.9.2021–31.10.2021.
- Funding call for joint projects is 4.4.2022–16.9.2022 and for individual companies is 1.6.2022–30.9.2022.
- Continuous call for companies or companies and research organizations is 6.3.2023– 15.9.2023, Co-Research call is 6.3.2023–31.8.2023, funding call for piloting and pilot projects is 1.8.2023–29.9.2023.
- Total funding: EUR 9 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Sustainable growth and digitalisation in the tourism sector
- Focus area: Funding will be allocated to development and renewal of the tourism sector necessary for its recovery. Key issue is to use digital solutions, sustainable practices and knowledge of customers to improve competitiveness in international tourism markets that are undergoing change.
- Timetable: The funding call for individual companies 1.3.–29.4.2022.
- Total funding for the focus area: EUR 1 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Business Finland: Funding call for the sustainable growth and digitalization of the tourism industry
Health and wellbeing technologies and skills
- Focus area: The funding call applies to innovative solutions in the health and wellbeing sector that develop digital solutions, technologies, and operating procedures in the field of healthcare.
- Timetable:
- Call 1.11.2021–31.1.2022
- Supplementary call 15.8.2022–17.10.2022
- Total funding for the focus area: EUR 4 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Business Finland 1.11.2021: Health and wellbeing competence and technology – Innovation funding call
Business Finland 15.8.2022: Health and wellbeing competence and technology – Innovation funding supplementary call
Low-carbon industry, circular economy, digitalisation and service development
- Focus area: Funding for projects that support low-carbon industry and circular economy and digital renewal of industry. In addition, funding will support the growth of industrial service exports.
- Timetable: Call 21.1.–30.6.2022
- Total funding for the focus area: EUR 4 million
- Granting authority: Business Finland
Growth accelerator programme to develop international capabilities
- Focus area: Funding for small companies, in particular, to develop international capabilities so that they can better respond to changes in the business environment caused by the coronavirus as well as increased business opportunities. Funding will promote the use of digital technology and operating methods in the business and international activities of small companies.
- Timetable: 22.6.–31.12.2022
- Total funding for the focus area: EUR 4,6 million
- Granting authority: ELY Centres
Press release, ELY Centres (in Finnish)
The specific criteria for the calls for funding from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and government agencies under its purview will be published when the project calls are launched. The calls for funding are national and competitive.
Funding will be provided through instruments similar to those currently in use. The funding criteria include specific requirements related to the use of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility, such as compliance with the ‘do no significant harm’ principle, which means that the implementation of investments must not cause significant harm to environmental objectives. The manner in which special requirements are taken into account will be specified before the calls are opened.
Mikko Vähä-Sipilä, Director, tel. +358 29 504 7166, mikko.vaha-sipila(a)
Irene Heikkilä, Senior Specialist, (energy), tel. +358 29 504 7158, irene.heikkila(a)
Siina Lepola-Lång, Senior Specialist, (industry, RDI and other business subsidies), tel. +358 29 504 7337, siina.lepola-lang(a)
Ministry of Finance: Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland
Business Finland and the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland