Employment measures of Prime Minister Marin's Government


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Employment policy ensures an inclusive and competent Finland. 

Our goal is a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable welfare state. In order to safeguard and develop the services of the welfare state, we are working towards a high employment rate and strong public finances in future too. 

In the 2020s, wellbeing and prosperity are based on knowledge and skills and on work and entrepreneurship. Amid the transformation of working life, strong basic skills and people’s ability and potential to learn new things and update their competences throughout their lives and careers are of key importance.

A higher employment rate is built on citizens’ participation and skills

We are pursuing an active and effective Nordic employment policy. Improving individual employment services for citizens is at the core of a more effective employment policy.  

We want Finland to have the best working life in the world; to be a nation with happy and competent professionals and experts, where every individual’s knowledge and skills are put to good use. It is important and necessary for individuals, the economy and society as a whole that everyone’s potential is used as much as possible. We want everyone to participate based on their abilities.

Employment measures are a broad package covering many sectors. Some of the measures will make a difference quickly, while others will have an impact on a longer term. Prime Minister Marins Government is committed to a long-term approach in its work to raise the employment rate through decisions that will bring an estimated 80,000 new jobs. Marins Government aims for a 75%* employment rate.
*Due to the statistical reform by Statistics Finland, the employment rate has been adjusted downwards by one percentage point. This means that the Government’s employment target will be achieved at about 74 per cent.

Progress of the employment measures