Enterprise financing

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment encourages companies to renew and pursue sustainable growth and productivity. MEAE is responsible for ensuring that domestic state financing and export financing function as well as possible, taking into account the financing needs of companies at different stages of development and national and international regulations governing business financing.

  • Loans, guarantees and credits »

    Finnvera plc is a specialised financing company owned by the State of Finland, and they provide financing for the start, growth and internationalisation of enterprises as well as for protection against risks associated with export business.

  • Venture capital investment »

    The purpose of public venture capital investments is to promote the development of venture capital investment markets and to focus funding on areas where there is not enough private risk capital.

  • European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) »

    The European Fund for Strategic Investments is a European Union-founded fund that has the goal of accelerating investments as a part of the European investment programme.

  • Enterprise developmental support and start-up grants »

    Enterprise development grants, enterprise development services and start-up grants are used to add new business and to encourage existing companies to develop their business.

  • Regional aid »

    Labour and other resources are unevenly distributed, and, for this reason, there are differences in business opportunities between regions.

  • Supporting internationalisation »

    There is a wide range of public financial services to support the internationalisation of enterprises.

  • Research, development and innovation funding »

    Public research, development and innovation funding aims to encourage renewal of enterprises.

  • Energy and investment aid »

    Based on its assessment the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment can grant aid for innovative energy projects. Energy aid is granted för investments and studies

  • General criteria for business subsidies on national level »

    Business subsidies are aid and interest subsidies granted to economic activity as well as loans, guarantees, equity financing, tax subsidies and other arrangements that contain economic benefits and that are granted under an aid scheme or as individual aid outside an aid scheme.