Case law

This section includes rulings from Finnish and European courts.

Market Court

The Finlex database includes the decisions and opinions issued by the Market Court. The decisions relate to the markets, competition restraints and public contracts. The decisions made by the previous Market Court in 1979–2002 are also available.

The Finlex Database/MAOLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab (in Finnish)

Supreme Administrative Court

The Finlex database/KHOLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab (in Finnish)

Court of Justice of the European Union

Established in 1952, the Court of Justice (CJEU, formerly known as the Court of Justice of the European Communities) sits in Luxembourg. The purpose of the Court is to ensure that Union law is followed in European integration. It ensures the uniform application of Union law across the EU Member States.

CJEU proceedings can be based on direct actions or references for preliminary rulings.

For more information on the Court and its case law, please visit the CJEU websiteLink to an external website. Rulings can also be searched in EUR-LexLink to an external website, the gateway to European Union law.