Advisory Board for Entrepreneurship

The Advisory Board for Entrepreneurship operates under the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The appointment of the Advisory Board is based on the Government Resolution on Entrepreneurship. 

The Advisory Board:

  1. Acts as an advisory body on strategic issues related to entrepreneurship.
  2. Brings the views and feedback of key interest groups, i.e.  entrepreneurs, to the preparation and proposes necessary measures to ministries/the Government.
  3. Discusses the development of entrepreneurship policy and promote intersectoral cooperation.
  4. Monitors and anticipates the development of the operating environment for entrepreneurship and the impact of the measures, and identifies necessary measures at the national, EU and global level. 
  5. Influences the objectives of entrepreneurship during each government term by identifying the most important measures for developing a competitive and stable operating environment for entrepreneurship.

The three-year term of the Advisory Board runs from 3 October 2022 to 2 October 2025. The Board meets 3–4 times a year. Of the members, 13 are entrepreneurs and 10 are from central government administration, municipalities or universities.


Chair: Petri Peltonen, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment


  • Anne Kangas, Chief Executive Officer, Hoitokoti Päiväkumpu Oy (Vice Chair), represents Confederation of Finnish Industries
  • Jussi Tuohino, Chair of the Board, Arctic Infra Oy, represents Confederation of Finnish Industries
  • Petri Salminen, Chair, Federation of Finnish Enterprises
  • Anne Niemi, Board Member, Federation of Finnish Enterprises
  • Mikko Isotalo, Chief Executive Officer, Lujabetoni Oy, represents Finnish Chamber of Commerce
  • Toni Pokela, Chief Executive Officer, Pokela Oy Iso Omena, represents Finnish Chamber of Commerce
  • Tomi Lantto, Chief Executive Officer, Katri Antell Oy, represents Perheyritysten liitto
  • Eeva Kovanen, Chief Executive Officer, Kovanen Capital Oy, represents Perheyritysten liitto
  • Sami Ensio, Chief Executive Officer, Innofactor Oyj, represents Kasvuryhmä
  • Nina Orvola, Chair of the Board, Kotivara Yhtiöt, represents Kasvuryhmä
  • Pekka Hosio, Chief Executive Officer, Champion Door Oy, represents University of Oulu
  • Anne Paso, Creative Director, Lovi Oy, represents University of Oulu
  • Riikka Pakarinen, Chief Executive Officer, represents Finnish Startup Community
  • Taina Eckstein, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Finance
  • Petri Lempinen, Director General, Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Matti Muhos, Professor, University of Oulu, Kerttu Saalasti Institute
  • Jarna Heinonen, Professor, University of Turku
  • Marjo Ilmari, Senior Director, Business Finland
  • Pekka Keränen, Director, ELY Centre of North Ostrobothnia
  • Anna Karppinen, Regional Director, Finnvera Plc
  • Paula Miettinen, Director, City of Helsinki
  • Mika Ingi, Chief Executive, City of Lieto
  • Leena Perämäki, Chief Executive Officer, Into Seinäjoki Oy


  • Natalia Härkin, General Secretary, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
  • Anni Pesola, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
  • Kari Alanko, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
  • Ilkka Harju, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Finance
  • Kirsi Kaunisharju, Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Anne Niemi, Board Member, Federation of Finnish Enterprises

Inquiries: Ministerial Adviser Natalia Härkin, tel. +358 295 047 168, [email protected]