
Mining industry interest in the Arctic region is growing for multiple reasons: new economic possibilities, climate change and the warming of the Arctic are making the region more accessible. Simultaneously these things make the region more vulnerable. 

The new economic possibilities are various. They range from community infrastructure and digital public services to extraction of natural resources and opening of new northern trade routes. To seize these opportunities, under-standing of the possibilities and value chains is required, e.g. the operating context and practical challenges encountered by organizations operating in the Arctic. 

In this context, the Center for Minerals and Materials (MiMa) at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland conducted a ‘Study on Arctic mining in Greenland’ for the Arctic Economic Dialogue project. This study provides mining and environment context of Greenland, and describes challenges and opportunities encountered during past mineral exploration and mining operations in Greenland.

Study on Arctic Mining in GreenlandLink to an external website

Further information:

Mikko Martikainen - mikko.martikainen(at)