European Digital Innovation Hubs

European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) are part of the EU’s Digital Europe Programme. They serve as service centres that accelerate digital investments and, in particular, the digitalisation of SMEs. Their aim is to make new technologies more widely and rapidly available to companies and the public sector.

Digital Europe programme | European CommissionLink to an external website

In practice, EDIHs are consortia based on existing organisations and activities that support the objectives of the concept. Typically, a consortium is a completely new partnership network that offers new kinds of service packages.

The European-wide EDIH network enables European companies to find a service package suitable to their business across the EU. As a result of a competitive selection process in 2021–2022, a total of 136 EDIHs were created in the EU area. EDIHs operating in Finland are:

Europe-wide EDIH network | European CommissionLink to an external website

Half of the funding for the first three years of EDIH activities comes from the Digital Europe programme, 30 per cent from national co-financing through Business Finland and 20 per cent from EDIHs themselves and other sources.

Press release on national co-financing 2022 |

According to preliminary data, the EU call for funding applications for the next three-year period of EDIHs would open in the second quarter of 2025. 

Inquiries: Lasse Laitinen, Senior Specialist, tel.  +358 295 047 162 and Tiina Hanhike, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 049 064