The Single Market Enforcement Taskforce SMET

The European Commission set up a working group in 2020 between the Commission and the Member States to monitor the implementation of the European single market. The working group was named the Single Market Enforcement Taskforce (SMET). SMET is a high-level forum for the joint work between the Commission and the Member States. The group has many tasks, such as the examination of the compatibility of national laws with single market rules and possible unjustified overregulation, for example. In the group, the Commission and the Member States’ authorities discuss the most significant obstacles in the single market.

SMET aims to promote the functioning of the European single market by:

  • identifying and removing barriers;
  • strengthening the enforcement of single market rules; and
  • complementing the activities of sectoral working groups with a single market perspective.

SMET reports annually to the Competitiveness Council (COMPET) of the EU and to the European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO). Head of Group on Business law and Internal market of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment represents Finland in the group. The work of SMET is prepared by a group known as the Sherpa Group.

The Commission's website on SMET

Further information: [email protected]