Multiannual plan for research and development funding

In line with the Government Programme, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment are preparing a multiannual plan on the use of research and development funding and on other aspects of RDI policy.

The plan will present the current state of the research, development and innovation system, the objectives of the system, and the main policies for funding research and development. The plan will be prepared by a working group, with significant contributions from research and business communities. The Government is due to adopt it in June 2024 and Prime Minister Petteri Orpo will submit a Prime Minister's announcement on it to Parliament.

The preparatory work draws on the Act on the Central Government Funding of Research and Development, the entries on RDI in the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government, and the decisions of the parliamentary RDI working group. The allocation of R&D funding made in the 2024 budget proposal and in the General Government Fiscal Plan for 2025-2028 will also be taken into account. 

The preparatory work will be chaired by the Research and Innovation Council. The plan will also be discussed in the parliamentary RDI monitoring group.

Take part in the preparatory work

The working group will carry out extensive consultations with stakeholders and the relevant experts. The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment organised a stakeholder event on 15 November 2024. The plan was also presented at events organised by the Research Council of Finland, Business Finland and stakeholders.

The plan was circulated for comments between 8 and 24 May 2024.


Chief Specialist Harri Länsipuro, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. 0295 047 305, [email protected]
opetusneuvos Riina Vuorento, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. 0295330363, [email protected]