
The aim of competition policy is to create and maintain an environment in which enterprises have a level playing field and an opportunity to succeed through their expertise. The key objective of competition law and policy is to ensure sound and effective economic competition.

Finland’s national competition policy is based on the Competition Act (948/2011). The authority responsible for its application is the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority. The website of the Finnish Competition and Consumer AuthorityLink to an external website contains information about the application of the Competition Act, for example.

The substantive provisions of the Competition Act correspond to those included in Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

Competition restraints that are prohibited under the Competition Act and EU competition rules include the abuse of dominant position as well as agreements and practices between competing companies to restrict competition (cartels). The Competition Act and the EU competition rules also include provisions on the control of mergers and acquisitions. In addition, the Competition Act lays down national provisions on competition neutrality.

Further information: virve.haapajarvi(at) and iiro.ihanamaki(at)