Current projects

The ministry's websites for ongoing projects.

All ongoing projects, working groups, advisory boards and committees in the Ministry

  • Government's labour market reforms »

    The Government will develop the Finnish labour market to make it more flexible. The aim is to support employment, economic growth, competitiveness and productivity. The reforms will be prepared on a tripartite basis, drawing on the expertise of businesses and employee organisations.

  • Measures of the Government concerning work-based immigration »

    Finland’s success and international competitiveness are based on high levels of skills and competence. However, the Finnish labour market suffers from a shortage of skilled workers. While employment must be provided to unemployed jobseekers already in Finland, the country also needs work-based immigration.

  • TE services reform 2024 »

    The transfer of TE services to the municipalities took place on 1 January 2025. The reform aims to create a service structure that will contribute to rapid employment of jobseekers.

  • Comprehensive reform of the Integration Act »

    When the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act (KOTO24) enters into force on 1 January 2025, municipalities will be responsible for promoting the integration of both those immigrants who are jobseekers and those outside the labour force.

  • Low-carbon roadmaps »

    The sectoral low-carbon roadmaps prepared in 2020 will be updated in accordance with Prime Minister Orpo’s Government Programme. Roadmaps will pave the way for a low-carbon future.

  • Multiannual plan for research and development funding »

    In line with the Government Programme, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment are preparing a multiannual plan on the use of research and development funding and on other aspects of RDI policy.

  • New state capital investment company »

    It was agreed in the Government Programme of Prime Minister Orpo that the State’s domestic capital investment and business financing activities will be enhanced by merging Business Finland Venture Capital Oy, Ilmastorahasto Oy (Climate Fund) and Oppiva Invest Oy under the ownership of Finnish Industry Investment Ltd.

  • Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland »

    The Sustainable Growth Programme boosts competitiveness, investment, research, development and innovation, as well as measures to raise skill levels. On our website you can find information on funding that the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the government agencies under its purview provide to companies, including calls for applications.

  • Experiment on recruitment subsidy for sole entrepreneurs »

    The experiment on recruitment subsidy for sole entrepreneurs will assess the subsidy’s impact on company hiring its first employee.

  • Project: Licensing and supervision »

    The project aims to reform practices in licensing and supervision by harnessing the benefits of digitalisation. It also aims to make authorities’ activities and processes more effective and integrated.