Tourism is growing and undergoing renewal

Finland’s tourism industry is an important export sector and employer. In 2019, the total tourism demand  was almost EUR 15 billion and it is estimated to  reach EUR 15.3 billion in 2023. 

Development of tourism in Finland is guided by the Tourism Strategy for years 2022-2028 (in Finnish).Link to an external website The strategy defines targets for the development of tourism until 2028 and measures to be taken between 2022 and 2023. The aim is to make Finland the most sustainably growing tourist destination in the Nordic countries.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and and Employment is responsible for setting the priorities of the Finnish tourism policy and it develops the sector in cooperation with other ministries and sectoral actors. Visit Finland Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tabis responsible for the international promotion of Finnish tourism.

Growth-oriented and networked tourism enterprises with expanding international operations have priority when public subsidies are provided. Funding is also directed at areas providing the tourism industry with stronger operating prerequisites, such as transport connections, improvements in energy-efficiency and the maintenance of national parks and hiking routes.

Contact information

Sanna Kyyrä, Senior Adviser 
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Innovaatiot ja yritysrahoitusosasto, Innovaatiopolitiikka-ryhmä, INNO Telephone:0295047012   Email Address: