Integration policy promotes social inclusion of immigrants

Integration policy promotes the employment of immigrants and helps them to become members of Finnish society and supports integration as a two-way process. Integration policy promotes the inclusion of immigrants in all areas of Finnish society.

The priority areas of integration policy are

  • promote the employment of immigrants
  • promote the learning of Finnish or Swedish by immigrants
  • increase immigrants’ own responsibility for integration
  • support the adoption of society’s rules and obligations
  • support the integration of immigrant families and especially women
  • ensure a seamless and well-managed referral of beneficiaries of international protection into municipalities
  • support cooperation between the integration operators
  • involve civil society in the integration work.

Successful integration policy is a joint effort

A successful integration policy requires the commitment of all administrative branches to equality, non-discrimination and the prevention of racism, as well as the promotion of positive attitudes.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the preparation of issues related to integration in Finland. In the Government of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, the minister responsible for integration affairs is the Minister of the Interior.

Further information
Sonja Hämäläinen, sonja.hamalainen(at)