Responsible final disposal of spent nuclear fuel

The spent nuclear fuel from the operational Finnish nuclear power plants is intended to be disposed of at a final disposal facility to be built in Olkiluoto, Eurajoki. The planned facility has an above-ground encapsulation facility for nuclear fuel as well as a final disposal facility, which will be constructed underground in approximately 450 metres deep. The facility is for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel generated in Finland.

Posiva Oy is responsible for the final disposal project. Posiva is owned by Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (60%) and Fortum Power and Heat Oy (40%).

Before the licence process concerning a final disposal facility, an underground research facility ONKALO® was constructed on the spot reserved for the final disposal facility. The ONKALO allows calculations such as supplementary bedrock calculations on the conditions in which the actual facility will be constructed, and otherwise gaining experience of constructing deep bedrock facilities and their use as disposal facilities. More details on the project can be found on Posiva’s websiteLink to an external website.

Further information: linda.kumpula(at)