- Frontpage
- Responsibilities
- Enterprises
- Industrial policy
- Innovation policy
- Focus areas
- Tourism
- Space policy
- Business digitalisation for companies
- Bioeconomy
- Minerals policy
- Arctic Policy
- Regulation of business operations
- Internationalisation of enterprises
- Single market of the EU
- Business services
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Business and human rights
- Key guidelines on CSR
- Handling Specific Instances of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- Socially responsible public procurement
- Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility
- CSR reporting
- Anti-corruption work
- Combating forced labour
- Due diligence obligation of companies
- MEE Business Sector Services
- Enterprise financing
- Working life
- Labour legislation
- Employment contract and employment relationship
- Working time and annual holiday
- Improving and maintaining employees’ competence
- Non-discrimination and equality in working life
- Protection of privacy at work and working with children
- Co-operation procedure and other personnel representation systems
- Collective agreements and mediation in labour disputes
- Contractor’s obligations and liability
- Employee’s position if employer becomes insolvent
- Working life development
- Employment
- Public employment services
- Employment areas
- National objectives for promoting employment
- National Advisory Board on Promoting Employment
- Support and compensations
- Multi-sectoral promotion of employment
- Employment through procurement
- Social entrepreneurship
- International cooperation in employment matters
- Non-Military service
- Employment Bulletin and Employment Service Statistics
- Skilled labour force
- Labour legislation
- Energy
- Energy and climate strategy
- Emissions trading
- Electricity market
- Heating market
- Renewable energy
- Energy efficiency
- Energy and Investment Aid
- Nuclear energy
- Security of energy supply
- International and EU cooperation in the energy sector
- Energy technologies
- Low-carbon roadmaps
- Competition and consumers
- Regions
- Labour migration and integration
- Enterprises
- Current issues
- Projects and legislation
- Statute drafting
- Current projects
- Government’s labour market reforms
- Measures of the Government concerning work-based immigration
- TE services reform 2024
- Reform of the Integration Act
- Experiment on recruitment subsidy for sole entrepreneurs
- Sustainable Growth Programme in the MEAE
- Project: Licensing and supervision
- Completed projects
- Local government pilots on employment
- Employment measures of Prime Minister Marin's Government
- Government report on the future of the retail sector
- Working capacity programme
- Developing Finland’s Sustainable Finance Ecosystems
- Entrepreneurship strategy
- Artificial Intelligence 4.0 programme
- The National Roadmap for Research, Development and Innovation
- The Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector 2021-2023
- Health sector growth strategy
- Maritime Industry Development Programme
- Publications
- Ministry
- Management and organisation
- Strategies and operational planning
- Cooperation in the EU and at other international forums
- Security of supply and securing of vital functions in the administrative branch of MEAE
- Discretionary government grants
- Ministry´s Visual Identity
- Whistleblower protection
- History
- Information about the website
- Contact information and visiting address
- Contact information