Network-based competence centre for sustainable and innovative public procurement (KEINO)

KEINO was a network-based competence centre for sustainable and innovative public procurement that brought together and builded networks between public procurement specialists. KEINO offered support and assistance to those responsible for public procurement for building sustainable and innovative procurement practices.  

KEINO was a consortium of five organisations – Motiva, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Business Finland, the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE and Hansel Ltd – that were jointly responsible for implementation and development activities. 

KEINO was operational since 1 March 2018. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment financed the competence centre from the 2022 budget until 30 September 2024.

KEINO’s key goals for 2022-2023 were: 

  • the public sector's ability to use sustainable and innovative procurement has improved and procurement is managed strategically
  • cooperation between the public sector and companies has increased and the solutions are scaling
  • the use of sustainable and innovative procurement has increased (including the 10% target)

The cross-cutting priorities were circular economy, low carbon targets, ecosystem development as well as digitization and utilization of data. 

More about KEINO’s activities and servicesLink to an external website

Evaluation of the Competence Center for Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement (KEINO) (Finnish with English summary)Link to an external website    

Sustainable and innovative public procurement in Finland 

KEINO has prepared analyses of sustainable and innovative public procurement in Finland:

Further information:

Kirsti Vilén - kirsti.vilen(at)