Public subsidies for developing tourism

Public subsidies for the development of the tourism industry are provided through such channels as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), Business Finland programmes and direct grants provided by ministries.

The public funding for tourism in 2014–2020 totalled about EUR 694 million, of which approximately EUR 368 million was allocated to tourism projects. In addition to the total funding, more than EUR 263 million was granted to the tourism sector as corona funding in 2020.

Of the tourism project funding, around 40 per cent were business subsidies and another 40 per cent was directed to the development of tourism operations (e.g. tourism marketing and product development). The rest was allocated to the development of services and infrastructure supporting tourism.

Read more:
Report: Public support for tourism projects in Finland in 2014–2020Link to an external website (in Finnish)
Presentation: Public support for tourism projects 2014-2020File opens in a new tab pdf 540kB  (in Finnish)

Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres)

ELY CentresLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab grant support to enterprises for investments, development of business operations and the operating environment and for training and research. They also provide advisory services for tourism enterprises and manage matters related to the local infrastructure in their areas. A sector manager for tourism acts as a national expert on tourism for all ELY Centres.

Regional Councils

Regional CouncilsLink to an external website provide support for tourism development projects, general marketing, advisory services, training and research.

Business Finland

Business FinlandLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab offers a smooth, joint service path for customers - enterprises, research organizations and providers of public services - in Finland and abroad when you need innovation funding, advise in growing internationally, investing in Finland or bringing visitors to Finland. Growth-oriented SMEs expanding their international operations are the most important target group for funding.  Finpro - the Finnish trade promotion organization - and Tekes - the Finnish Funding Agency for innovation  - united as Business Finland at the beginning of January 2018.

Finnvera plc

FinnveraLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab helps Finnish enterprises in the development of their domestic operations. It also promotes the export and internationalisation of companies through financing. Finnvera’s financing services include loans, guarantees and export credit guarantees, which are also available to tourism enterprises. for companies

The online service for companies Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tabis intended for enterprises, entrepreneurs and those planning to set up a business and provides information on the establishment, growth, development and internationalisation of enterprises. 

Team Finland

Team FinlandLink to an external website network brings together all state-funded internationalisation services - from advice to funding. Business Finland is part of the network.

Further information: Sanna Kyyrä, sanna.kyyra(at)