Minister of Economic Affairs Wille Rydman
The Finns Party
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Minister of Economic Affairs Wille Rydman is responsible for matters of the Innovations and Enterprise Financing Department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The Department is responsible for innovation policy, special public funding and export financing policy, mineral policy, internationalisation policy of business and industry, tourism coordination and promotion of foreign investments. The Department is also in charge of the development of the business subsidy system and space policy.
Rydman is also responsible for security of supply issues and, within the Regions and Growth Services Department, for matters related to regional development, sudden structural changes, steering of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) and business services offered by them, promotion of entrepreneurship, EU regional and structural policy, and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
Furthermore, Minister of Economic Affairs Rydman is also responsible for matters related to the Financial Markets Department of the Ministry of Finance.
Wille-Werner Rydman was born on 2 January 1986 in Helsinki, where he continues to live.
Rydman completed his general upper secondary education at Helsinki Normal Lyceum in 2005. He holds a Master's degree in Social Sciences from the University of Helsinki where he studied political science between 2006 and 2008.
Rydman has been a member of Helsinki City Council since 2013, serving both as member of the City Executive and as First Vice-Chair of the City Council. He has also chaired the Board of Directors of the Port of Helsinki and served as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the energy company Helen.
Rydman was first elected to Parliament in 2015. He served for a long time in the Constitutional Law Committee (also as Vice-Chair) and in the Administration Committee. Rydman was a member of the Presidium of the Nordic Council for seven years.
Before entering Parliament, Rydman’s career included working as parliamentary assistant and secretary for international affairs. In addition to Finnish, Rydman speaks Swedish, English and German.
Rydman's grandfather is composer Kari Rydman. Other members of his family include business leader Walter Rydman, Minister Heikki Ritavuori and Mayor Eero Rydman.
Rydman enjoys playing music. A former member of the Cantores Minores boys' choir, he has played the flute, studied at the Helsinki Conservatory of Music and at Sibelius Academy, and composed music for various ensembles.
Personal details
Member of Parliament
The Finns Party
Minister of Economic Affairs 6.7.2023 -
Curriculum vitae and work in ParliamentLink to an external website
Further information
Photos of the ministerLink to an external website
XLink to an external website
InstagramLink to an external website
willerydman.fiLink to an external website
perussuomalaiset.fiLink to an external website
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Contact details
Secretary to the Minister
Maija Terävä
p. 0295 047 047
Erityisavustaja Lars Aikala (yritysrahoitus, yritysten kansainvälistyminen, digitalisaatio, mineraalipolitiikka, kiertotalous, valtiovarainministeriön rahoitusmarkkinaosaston asiat)
p. 0295 047 330
Hallinnollinen avustaja Anna-Maija Kaikkonen
p. 0295 047 323
Erityisavustaja Teemu Hartikainen (aluekehittäminen, yrittäjyys, innovaatiopolitiikka, huoltovarmuus, EU-asiat)
p. 0295 047 296
Hallinnollinen avustaja Kaisa Kauppinen
p. 0295 047 770
Virkamiesavustaja (EU-ja kansainväliset asiat) Leila Vilhunen
p. 0295 047 120
Sähköpostiosoitteet ovat muotoa etunimi.sukunimi(at)gov.fi.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Aleksanterinkatu 4, Helsinki
PL 32, 00023 Valtioneuvosto