Single market of the EU and free movement

The single market of the EU is based on the four freedoms laid down in the EU Treaties: free movement of goods, services, capital and persons. The aim is to ensure that moving from one country to another is as easy as inside a country. At the same time, the aim is also to ensure the protection of consumers, workers and the environment.

Efficient single market is a prerequisite for economic growth and stability in Europe. A single market of nearly 500 million people provides Finnish companies with a large domestic market for exports of goods and services.

The current single market is a result of the harmonisation of national laws. The principle of mutual recognition has also played an important role in the removal of obstacles to free movement between countries. The aim of the Services Directive (2006/123/EC) is to speed up and facilitate the improvement of the operational prerequisites and expansion of enterprises in the single market of the EU.

Single market policy of the EU

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the drafting and coordination of the single market policy in Finland. The drafting work takes place in the competitiveness subcommittee (EU8 subcommittee) of the Committee for EU Affairs. Most of the drafting of the single market legislation is also coordinated through the competitiveness subcommittee. However, each ministry is responsible for the drafting and national implementation of the single market legislation coming within its own purview.

In the EU, drafting of the single market policy and legislation is the responsibility of the Competitiveness Council. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the national coordination of the drafting of the matters discussed in the Competitiveness Council.

Further information
