Information for persons applying for non-military service

Applying for non-military service is done by filling in an application for non-military service. A person can apply for non-military service in or after call-up, during military service or during voluntary military service for women. The completed days in military service are credited when calculating the remaining period of non-military service. The application is submitted either to the call-up board, the commander of the relevant unit or to the regional office of the Finnish Defence Forces.

Conscripts who have applied for non-military service are immediately discharged. The call-up board or the regional office of the Defence Forces must approve the application if it has been properly made.

In the application for non-military service, the applicant assures that reasons of conscience prevent him or her from doing the service laid down in the Conscription Act. The applicant is not required to give detailed reasons for the application.

The non-military service may not be started before the Non-military Service Centre has issued a written entry order, which is sent to the person liable for non-military service no later than two (2) months before the start of the service. The non-military service begins within the year in which the application has been approved or during the two calendar years following that year unless the person liable for non-military service has been granted deferment for studies, for example. 

Once the application for non-military service has been approved, the person liable for non-military service will have access to the Omasivari application. The application can be used to choose a suitable training period.

Non-military service comprises basic training and non-profit work service

Non-military service begins with a basic training period arranged 11 times a year. Training periods in Swedish are organised 3-4 times a year and in English once a year.

The basic training period (four weeks) includes studies in rescue and civil defence, environment, civic participation, prevention of violence and everyday safety. The training period includes both contact teaching at the Non-military Service Centre in Lapinjärvi and distance learning.

After the training period, non-military service continues as work service. The work service is carried out at approximately 2,300 non-military service locations in different parts of Finland. The service location must have an agreement with the Non-military Service Centre. A person liable for non-military service may not carry out the service for his own employer.

A person liable for non-military service must apply for a service position on their own, for example by using the list of service positions available on the website of the Non-military Service Centre. If the efforts are unsuccessful, the Non-military Service Centre will assist in the process.

Complement service

After completing military service, a person applying for non-military service is assigned to a five-day complement service and does not participate in basic training period or work service. Complement service can be organised either in Lapinjärvi at the Non-military Service Centre or in some other location. Once the application for non-military service has been approved, the person liable for non-military service will have access to the Omasivari application. The application can be used to choose the start date and place of the complement service. It is possible to do complement service in Finnish or in Swedish.

See also Employment security during military or non-military service

Further information: Centre for Non-Military ServiceLink to an external website