Public services for businesses

Public services for businesses are available in English as follows:

Descriptions of the operators’ services and information about service channels are available at online service online service offers companies and start-ups up-to-date information about establishing and operating a business, business services tools, and other useful services and resources.
The contains information relevant at the various stages of business activities. It advises users on how to start, expand and develop their business, and it provides information about various related services, making it easier for users to find the details and the contacts they need.
The service is being developed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

My Enterprise Finland online workspace

My Enterprise Finland

My Enterprise Finland is an online workspace that offers key services for businesses in a single, easy-to-use package.

Face-to-face services

Business services are provided by the following entities in the administrative sector of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment: 
Finnvera, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, Finnish Industry Investment, Business Finland, the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and the Employment and Economic Development Offices.

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