Improving and maintaining employees’ competence

Study leave

An employer may take study leave to participate in studies subject to public supervision in Finland or abroad. All employees are entitled to study leave when the full-time employment relationship with the same employer has lasted for at least one year in one or more periods.

The maximum length of study leave in the same employer’s service is two years over a period of five years. If the employment has lasted for less than a year but at least three months, the maximum length of study leave is five days.

Study leave and the prerequisites for using the leave are laid down in the Study Leave Act and Study Leave Decree, see also Osha: Study leave, Frequently asked questions. 

Further information

Guidance and supervision of  labour legislation: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Osha)
Law drafting: Seija Jalkanen, seija.jalkanen(at)

Training of employees and maintenance and development of competence

Under the Employment Contracts Act, an employer is obligated to see to maintaining and improving the competence of personnel in an employment relationship so that they can perform their work even when the operation of the enterprise, the work task or working methods change.

The employer is also obligated to arrange training for temporarily laid-off employees and employees who are offered other work as an alternative to termination, if training is necessary for accepting the new assignment.

Certain employers may receive financial support for developing the professional competence of the personnel.  Provisions on the matter are laid down in the Act on Financially-Supported Development of Professional Skills.

Further information

Guidance and supervision of  labour legislation: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Osha)
Law drafting: Elli Nieminen, elli.nieminen(at)