Financially-supported development of employees’ professional skills

An employer within the scope of the Act on financially supported Development of professional competence may receive a financial incentive for employee training. 

The Act applies to the following employers and their employees and employees in public-law employment relationships:

  • corporations exempt from income tax referred to in section 20 of the income tax Act (1535/1992);
  • partially tax-free entities referred to in section 21 of the income tax Act;
  • universities and universities of applied sciences;
  • associations and foundations.

In order to receive a financial incentive, the employer must draw up a training plan. For employers covered by the Co-operation Act, the content of the training plan is determined in accordance with the applicable Act on Co-operation.  The provision on a training plan contained in the Act on Financially-Supported Development of Professional Skills is applied in workplaces outside of the scope of application of the Co-operation Act.

Provisions on the conditions for receiving the financial incentive and the amount of the incentive are laid down in the Act on Compensations for Training.

Further information

Law-drafting: Elli Nieminen, elli.nieminen(at)