Minerals sector

The minerals sector is comprised of extractive, mining and metal processing industries. Mining, aggregate and natural stone industries are the three sectors of the extractive industry. The mining industry comprises exploration, extraction of metal ores and industrial minerals and the production of concentrates. 

Finland also has a broad-based metal processing and mineral processing sector. The minerals cluster also includes the manufacturers of machinery, equipment and technology for the sector, services, research and training. If the parties engaged in sectoral organisations and the public authorities responsible for permits and supervisory tasks are included, we can talk about a minerals ecosystem.

Many of the mining and metal processing companies are international players. In the aggregate and natural stone industries, there are also a large number of local-level SMEs. The Finnish machinery, equipment and technology know-how is globally recognised. 

In addition to large companies with global operations, Finland also has an increasing number of SMEs offering special technologies. New business is generated for the recycling of raw materials and the use of side streams.

Finnish research and development activities are becoming more international and there is also demand for our expertise in international research cooperation. Team Finland Link to an external websitesupports enterprises in their efforts to grow and expand their exports and other international operations.

Further information:

Teo Kangaspunta - teo.kangaspunta(at)gov.fi 
Tuula Manelius - tuula.manelius(at)gov.fi