Strategy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and its administrative branch

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and its administrative branch create preconditions for sustainable growth. Growth must be economically, socially and ecologically sustainable. Our goals are:
- Reform of business and industry and increased vitality of regions
- Higher employment and better availability of skilled labour
- Promotion of climate goals with clean investments
We act openly, responsibly and effectively.
The strategy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and its administrative branch extends to 2030. It will be updated regularly to correspond, among other things, to changes in the operating environment.
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Strategic objectives for 2024−2030
- Well-functioning markets and competition strengthen the operating conditions of business and industry.
- Innovations in business and industry increase and lead to business activities with high value added throughout Finland.
- Finland becomes a competitive operating environment for growth companies and start-ups.
- Investments by companies increase and exports grow.
- Industry modernises and industrial clusters become stronger throughout Finland.
- Labour market matching and the availability of skilled labour improve in all parts of the country.
- Labour market reforms increase competitiveness.
- Productivity and quality of working life improve, working careers become longer.
- Incentives to find employment and provide employment improve.
- Employment areas organise employment services efficiently and in broad partnership.
- For its part, work-based immigration responds to labour market needs, and integration and employment of immigrants improve.
- Progress towards climate objectives is made as cost-effectively as possible and by speeding up investments.
- Investments are allocated to projects with higher value added.
Operating principles for sustainable growth
- We enhance our operating models, tasks and organisation responsibly and by promoting effectiveness.
- We act proactively in human resources planning by allocating resources to strategic priorities, core functions and statutory tasks. Our resources are used efficiently and productively.
- We ensure that our operating processes are technologically up-to-date and produce value added.
- The premise of all activities in the administrative branch is that the operating conditions for private business improve. In this way, we help create growth and strengthen general government finances. We harmonise management and ensure productivity and effective operations.
- Our operating culture is based on shared values.
- We are a human-driven workplace. We strive for a balance between performance and wellbeing at work.
Strengthening comprehensive security
- We support the good operating conditions of business and industry through comprehensive security.
- In accordance with the cooperation model for comprehensive security, we actively participate and influence the development of the concept of comprehensive security, incident management and crisis management in society.
- We reform the regulation and planning for normal and emergency conditions in the administrative branch to better respond to emergency conditions and serious incidents in normal conditions based on risk.
- We strengthen comprehensive security and security of supply by developing international cooperation through the EU and NATO and bilaterally with some states.
Development of security of supply
- We ensure an adequate level and functioning of security of supply as part of comprehensive security in society.
- We strengthen Nordic cooperation on preparedness and security of supply.
- We promote cooperation between the authorities, business and the third sector with a partnership model.
- We support the vitality of regions through regional preparedness.
- We promote a well-functioning and resilient EU internal market and an open and rules-based trade policy.
Consideration of risk management
- We establish risk management as part of our strategy work and the Ministry’s normal processes (bill drafting, performance guidance, projects).
- We consider and assess risks and opportunities in different preparation and decision-making situations and monitor possible new threats.
- We constantly develop operating models for risk management.
- We strengthen the security, risk management, continuity management and recovery capability of the administrative branch and interdependent critical services.
- We promote the conditions for sustainable growth in Finland by exerting proactive, constructive and anticipatory influence in the EU. Both the Ministry’s management and experts influence EU policies in an active and solution-oriented manner by also utilising cross-sectoral networks.
- We utilise the EU-sub-committee system and consult interest groups in determining our positions to exert proactive influence in the EU.
- Our starting point for exerting influence in the EU is to strengthen the EU’s strategic competitiveness on the basis of the EU’s own strengths and market-based solutions. We highlight a well-functioning internal market and effective competition and state aid policy that promote a predictable and favourable investment environment.
- We work to ensure that EU funding is increasingly allocated to quality-based measures promoting research, innovation, competence, digitalisation, comprehensive security and the clean transition.
- We aim for better and lighter EU regulation. We ensure for our part that EU legislation creates a predictable and stable operating environment for investments.
- We make an effort to better anticipate EU legislation to ensure national implementation capacity.
- We aim for a regulatory environment that encourages growth and entrepreneurship and enables innovations and efficient markets, while avoiding unnecessary administrative burden and unnecessarily heavy and detailed regulation. We recognise different impacts on businesses at a sufficiently early stage.
- We ensure that our safe, reliable and interoperable digital services respond to customer needs and streamline processes.
- We reduce administrative burden and dismantle norms that complicate everyday business activities.
- We take entrepreneurship as the starting point for the renewal, growth and internationalisation of business life and for the increased vitality of regions.
- We utilise the potential offered by data economy, data-based value creation, corporate digital economy and artificial intelligence as sources of growth and productivity.
We take into account the equality and non-discrimination perspective in the preparation processes, project implementation and impact assessments of legislation in all main objectives.
- We utilise the potential for entrepreneurship by promoting non-discrimination and gender equality.
- We draw up a report and development programme to increase the employment of groups under-represented in working life and promote equality in the measures of the TYÖ2030 programme.
- We promote gender equality as part of the promotion of integration, especially by supporting the transition to work of immigrant parents caring for children at home.
- We improve the receptiveness of Finnish working life and its ability to retain employees by increasing immigrant employment and we ensure that skilled foreign labour remains in Finland.