Business Finland funds ecosystem and partnership projects and offers networking opportunities in Finland and internationally

Business Finland programmesLink to an external website bring together companies, research organisations and other operators of different sizes to build joint offerings for strategically selected sectors and markets. In addition, its global networkLink to an external website helps to find international contacts, networks and market information for ecosystems seeking international growth.
Business Finland’s funding for ecosystem and partnership projects
In recent years, Business Finland has challenged the leaders of international business networks to invest in solving future challenges and to significantly increase research, development and innovation (RDI) activities in Finland. By funding the projects of leading companies, Business Finland aims to support ecosystems involving billions of euros that create new jobs and business in Finland.
Through its partnership search, Business Finland encourages companies and research organisations to launch RDI projects that develop solutions, technologies and expertise to support the goals defined in the roadmaps of leading companies. The projects can be managed jointly by groups of companies or by companies and research organisations or alone by individual operators.
Growth engines are business ecosystems that aim to increase new business by more than EUR 1 billion. During 2018–2020, Business Finland capitalised 12 platform companies of growth engines, around which the new business of other operators is built, with about EUR 80 million. Orchestration funding is still available to a company, association or foundation that develops innovation cooperation of a company-driven ecosystem in a determined and goal-oriented manner focusing on a jointly selected business area.
Business Finland also supports the development and operation of test platforms and the ecosystems built around them in cases where the aim is to operate at an international level.
More information on Business Finland’s services to ecosystemsLink to an external website
More information on challenge competitions and partnership search for leading companiesLink to an external website
More information on orchestration funding of ecosystems and capitalisation of platform companiesLink to an external website
More information:
Teija Palko - teija.palko(at)