Focus areas

To ensure competitiveness and economic growth, it is vital that Finland is an attractive operating environment for newly established and growth-seeking enterprises, top experts and foreign investors.

Enterprise and innovation policy procedures also support the continuous renewal of enterprises and the diversification of industrial structure, as well as the success of Finnish enterprises in the global markets. These together form the foundation for economic growth, creation of new jobs and wellbeing.

In addition to the Government's key projects, key focus areas have been selected, the measures for which promote the renewal of sectors and the creation of new flagships.

Enterprises are encouraged to renew their activities and utilise for example new sources of value creation, digitalisation and experimentation. Renewal and the diversification of enterprise are supported by strengthening the formation of internationally competitive centres of excellence and ecosystems in Finland.

Measures that support the success of Finnish companies in the global markets include helping enterprises recognise international business opportunities, building international networks and encouraging enterprises to produce solutions based on Finnish strengths for global customer needs and to channel added value from these back to Finland.

Strategically significant growth sectors include the health care sector and the travel industry. New growth is also sought from business opportunities in the Arctic region.

Further information:

Petra Tarjanne