The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Finnish Immigration Service
Number of work-based and education-based residence permit applications has increased in 2024

The number of applications increased slightly from the previous year while the processing times for permits shortened significantly. In the first part of 2024, 15,959 people applied for the first permit, compared with 15,493 persons during the same time last year.
The number of first work-based residence permit applications increased in the first half of 2024. 9,047 persons applied for the first permit, up from last year when 8,765 people applied for it. Growth has been most prominent in permits for seasonal work, but the number of residence permits for an employed person have also increased. Most residence permits for an employed person were granted to the cleaning industry, the industrial sector, and the care and health services.
On the other hand, the number of applications for the first residence permit for a specialist fell. In the first half of 2024, the number of applications was 636, down from 902 last year.
Applications for an extended work-based residence permit were on the increase. In the first half of 2024, 11,664 people applied for an extended permit, compared with 9,350 at the same time last year. The number of both extended residence permits for an employed person and those for a specialist grew.
More applications were also submitted for residence permits for a student. In all, 6,912 people applied for the permit in the first part of 2024. Meanwhile, 6,728 such applications were received during the same period last year.
Altogether, 2,258 first work-based residence permits from Finland’s partner countries in international recruitment – India, Vietnam, the Philippines and Brazil – were submitted. This represents 25 per cent of all first work-based residence permits. The Government Programme defines these countries as target countries in Finland’s international recruitment efforts.
First residence permit based on work or education granted in 15 days on average
In August 2024, an applicant for a first work-based residence permit received the permit in 24 days on average. In comparison, it took an average of 55 days to receive a permit in 2023. An applicant received the first residence permit for an employed person in 27 days on average and the first permit for a specialist in 10 days.
An extended permit was also granted faster than one year ago. In 2024, it took an average of 21 days, down from 61 days the previous year. A residence permit for a student was granted in 7 days on average, compared with 36 days in 2023. The processing times are from August 2024.
The number of applications is from the first part of 2024, January to the end of June. The processing times are from August 2024. The figures are based on data from the Finnish Immigration Service.
Katri Niskanen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 373
Tuuli Huhtilainen, Process Owner, Finnish Immigration Service, +358 295 433 436 (employees)
Assi Puistolahti, Process Owner, Finnish Immigration Service, +358 295433941 (specialists and entrepreneurs)