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Content with tag kunnat .
Content with tag kunnat .

Government action plan supports Ukrainians in finding work and settling in Finland

14.6.2024 10.43
On 14 June 2024, the ministerial working group on employment and entrepreneurship adopted an action plan to help people who have fled Ukraine. In accordance with the Government Programme, the aim is to help Ukrainians enter the labour market and to support their participation in Finnish society.

Government proposes changes to the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act

4.4.2024 13.48
The comprehensive reform of the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (Integration Act) will enter into force at the beginning of 2025 when the main responsibility for integration will be transferred from the state to municipalities. On 4 April 2024, the Government submitted a proposal to Parliament on changes to the reform based on the Government Programme. For example, the imputed reimbursement period for municipalities and wellbeing services counties would be shortened to strengthen general government finances.

TE services reform 2024: Finland to have 45 employment areas

22.2.2024 14.58
On 22 February 2024, the Government made a decision on four employment areas. All future employment areas are now known.

TE2024: Most of the proposed employment areas can continue preparations

22.11.2023 11.24
On 21 November 2023, the ministerial working group on employment and entrepreneurship discussed the formation of employment areas. A total of 44 employment areas will be established in Finland. Most of the areas reported by municipalities fulfilled the requirements of the Act, but for six areas it is proposed that an application for an exemption be approved.

TE services reform 2024: Progress made in the establishment of employment areas

3.11.2023 13.42
Municipalities or municipal co-management areas have submitted their notifications concerning the establishment of employment areas to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.




The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment creates the conditions for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable growth. It comes from skilled people in high-quality jobs, productivity growth and increasing employment.

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Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

The MEAE Group comprises seven government agencies, 15 Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, 15 Employment and Economic Development Offices, six companies plus three funds.

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Content with tag kunnat .