Financial statement for 2024 of National Nuclear Waste Management Fund has been adopted

Government submits to Parliament its proposal on ensuring essential work during industrial action

Working group to prepare the reform of the Foreign Corporate Acquisitions Act

EUR 357 million is allocated to support regional growth and vitality

Government deregulation measures bring large savings to companies and make life easier for citizens

Latest news
Financial statement for 2024 of National Nuclear Waste Management Fund has been adopted
Government submits to Parliament its proposal on ensuring essential work during industrial action
EU competitiveness ministers to meet in Brussels on 12 March 2025
EU employment and social affairs ministers to discuss longer working careers
Working group to prepare the reform of the Foreign Corporate Acquisitions Act
Tesi’s new investment strategy will strengthen the conditions for growth
Column: Paths to Promote Nuclear Energy Investments
What Will Finland Look Like in 2040 in the Sectoral Low-Carbon Roadmaps?
Employment areas

The responsibility for organising public employment services was transferred from the state’s employment and economic development offices to municipalities and municipal co-management areas on 1 January 2025.
Sustainable Growth Programme

The Sustainable Growth Programme boosts competitiveness, investment, research, development and innovation, as well as measures to raise skill levels. On our website you can find information on funding that the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the government agencies under its purview provide to companies, including calls for applications.
Sustainable Growth Programme in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Low-carbon roadmaps

The sectoral low-carbon roadmaps prepared in 2020 will be updated in accordance with Prime Minister Orpo’s Government Programme. Roadmaps will pave the way for a low-carbon future.

Arto Satonen
Minister of Employment
Wille Rydman
Minister of Economic Affairs
Sari Multala
Minister of Climate and the Environment
Mari Rantanen
Minister of the Interior