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Content with tag keskinäinen toiminta .
Content with tag keskinäinen toiminta .

Government submits its proposal on promoting local bargaining to Parliament

5.9.2024 14.01
Because of the reform, local collective bargaining would be possible regardless of whether the company belongs to an employers' association or what kind of employee representation the company has.

Budget proposal
Budget proposal for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s administrative branch for 2025

9.8.2024 11.05
Budget 2025
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment proposes appropriations of approximately EUR 3.7 billion for its administrative branch for 2025. Additional investments would be allocated to support research, development and innovation activities, in particular. On the other hand, the transfer of TE services to municipalities will reduce the need for appropriations.

293,300 unemployed jobseekers in June

23.7.2024 8.15
Employment figures for June as an image
The number of unemployed jobseekers rose by 28,600 from June of last year. The number of new vacancies reported totalled 23,800. In all, the number of unfilled vacancies in June was 60,100, which is 63,700 fewer than a year ago.

Decrees specifying the Integration Act sent out for comments

1.7.2024 15.22
The new Integration Act, which will enter into force at the beginning of 2025, will be supplemented by five decrees on integration services. The aim is to increase the immigrants’ own responsibility and strengthen the general government finances in accordance with the Government Programme.

Draft act on promoting local collective bargaining sent for a regulatory impact analysis

28.6.2024 14.00
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment submitted a draft government proposal on increasing the opportunities for local collective bargaining to the Finnish Council of Regulatory Impact Analysis on 28 June 2024.




The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment creates the conditions for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable growth. It comes from skilled people in high-quality jobs, productivity growth and increasing employment.

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Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

The MEAE Group comprises seven government agencies, 15 Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, 15 Employment and Economic Development Offices, six companies plus three funds.

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Content with tag keskinäinen toiminta .