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Content with tag kasvu (yhteiskunnalliset ilmiöt) .
Content with tag kasvu (yhteiskunnalliset ilmiöt) .

Action plan to promote offshore wind power has been published

20.8.2024 10.39
Wind turbines at sea
In October 2023, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment appointed a working group to examine ways to improve Finland’s competitive position in offshore wind power production compared with other Baltic Sea countries and to promote other targets on offshore wind power set out in the Government Programme. The proposals included in the report published by the working group on 20 August 2024 form an action plan for the promotion of offshore wind power.

RRF investment aid applications for energy infrastructure projects are accepted until 15 May

15.4.2024 16.20
Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan logo
The call for applications on investment aid for energy infrastructure projects under Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) has been opened. Applications will be accepted until the 15th of May 2024. The aid may be granted to companies and corporations for projects, where eligible costs exceed EUR 5 million. The investment aid available for projects is approximately EUR 35 million.

Energy and Climate Strategy in Preparation – Clean Investments are crucial

25.3.2024 10.01
Riku Huttunen in semi close-up pic
Riku Huttunen
Clean energy is one of the main themes of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government program in Finland. The energy and climate policy actions for the coming years will be outlined in a comprehensive national strategy. The key objective is to establish a predictable and economically sustainable foundation for the significant investment efforts needed to advance both climate goals and our national economy.

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment sets energy aid priorities for 2024

16.2.2024 14.47
Sketch of renewable energy production forms
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has outlined the priorities for energy aid in 2024. Energy aid promotes the production of renewable energy, renewable hydrogen and fuels refined from it, energy saving or more efficient production or use of energy, utilisation of waste heat or the transition towards a low-carbon energy system in other ways.

Call for applications open until 29 February for REPowerEU investment aid for clean transition projects

29.1.2024 13.04
the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland -logo
The REPowerEU call for applications in the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland (Recovery and Resilience Plan) has been launched. The call will close on 29 February 2024. Businesses and organisations can apply for financial support for energy investments that promote the clean transition. The call for applications includes approximately EUR 54.5 million in investment aid for projects where the eligible costs exceed EUR 5 million.




The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment creates the conditions for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable growth. It comes from skilled people in high-quality jobs, productivity growth and increasing employment.

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Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

The MEAE Group comprises seven government agencies, 15 Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, 15 Employment and Economic Development Offices, six companies plus three funds.

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Content with tag kasvu (yhteiskunnalliset ilmiöt) .