Sustainable shipping makes headway: Joint declaration by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Meyer Turku Oy and Royal Caribbean Group strengthens the development of the Finnish maritime cluster

The joint declaration signed in Turku on 13 December 2022 will help develop sustainable shipping and shipbuilding and strengthen the Finnish maritime cluster.
The Government of Finland, represented by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Meyer Turku Oy and Royal Caribbean Group, signed the declaration.
The maritime cluster, which includes the marine industry, ports and shipping companies, creates employment and wellbeing throughout Finland. There are about 1,800 companies operating in the sector that employs more than 40,000 people directly and generates a turnover of EUR 11.7 billion.
“Shipping is undergoing a great transformation, driven by stricter emissions regulation and consumers’ demand for carbon neutrality. Responding to this demand requires new ways to design, build and operate the vessels of the future. The challenge offers significant opportunities for the Finnish maritime industry to lead the way globally and to introduce new technologies and products on the market. The role of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is to facilitate enterprise financing in Finland and to encourage companies to renew and pursue sustainable growth and productivity,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.
Chief Executive Officer of Meyer Turku, Tim Meyer, says: “This declaration is a new and important step for the entire maritime sector. We are committed to further developing ourselves and the entire network based on the Finnish know-how and our innovative thinking. As a shipyard, we are proud to be able to drive this work forward as the green transition offers us common opportunities to turn these strengths into a competitive advantage. It requires long-term commitment, which is one of our fundamental values as a family business.”
“Together with our Finnish partners, we have delivered some of the most impressive and sustainable ships of our time, including our latest ship, Icon of the Seas,” says Jason Liberty, Chief Executive Officer of Royal Caribbean Group. “This new partnership creates a base for future innovations and enables us and the marine industry to continue sustainable development at the highest level.”
The means and objectives of cooperation:
- Strengthen the innovation activities of Meyer Turku, Royal Caribbean Group and the maritime cluster. This will be supported by funding from Business Finland.
- Support networking to mitigate economic challenges, develop new solutions and secure the long-term viability of the marine industry.
- Draw up a roadmap for the production of climate neutral vessels in Finland. The roadmap is part of the green transition in the marine industry.
- Create a digital demonstration of a climate neutral vessel as part of the sustainable marine industry development programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
- Pilot and test sustainable innovations and technologies on the vessels of Royal Caribbean Group
- Build climate neutral vessels in Turku in accordance with the roadmap.
Funding and support for cooperation through the sustainable marine industry development programme
One of the objectives of the development programme for sustainable marine industry coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is to ensure the coverage and competitiveness of the Ministry’s enterprise financing system. Business Finland, Business Finland Venture Capital, Finnvera, Finnish Industry Investment and the EU offer solutions in this regard.
“Business Finland is prepared to fund innovation networks around leading projects that support the achievement of climate targets in maritime transport. Leading projects can receive EUR 50 million in funding, so I encourage all those involved in the sector to join forces with Meyer Turku and Royal Caribbean Group,” Minister Lintilä says.
“The sustainable marine industry development programme is an excellent project as it relates to business that supports sustainable development and the opportunities offered by the digital transformation. We are committed to the renewal of the marine industry, which Meyer, as the leading force, and the surrounding ecosystem will embody. Business Finland wants to make Finland the world’s most effective innovation environment where companies of all sizes invest in the future,” says Director General Nina Kopola from Business Finland.
Ilona Lundström, Director General, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7186
Anita Silanterä, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7256
Matias Ollila, Special Adviser to the Minister of Economic Affairs, tel. +358 29 504 7412
Jarmo Heinonen, Senior Director, Innovation Ecosystems, Business Finland, tel. +358 50 557 7790
Anna Hakala, Head of Communications, Meyer Turku Oy, tel. +358 40 593 7335