12 applications for the position of Permanent Secretary
A total of 12 candidates applied for the position of Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment by the deadline. The position will be filled for a period of five years starting from 1 October 2020.
The Permanent Secretary is the most senior official of the Ministry who assists the Minister in the management, development and supervision of the activities of the Ministry and its administrative branch.
Applicants for position
Riku Huttunen
Janne Känkänen
Piotr Lehtonen
Ilona Lundström
Raimo Luoma
Joonas Majoinen
Mika Nykänen
Janne Pihlajaniemi
Elina Pylkkänen
Sohel Rana
2 applicants did not want their names published.
The list of applicants may be supplemented based on written applications on 27 March 2020.
Heidi Nummela, Director of Human Resources and Administration, tel. +358 29 504 7988