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Content with tag luvat .

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Finnish Immigration Service
Number of work-based and education-based residence permit applications has increased in 2024

28.8.2024 8.02
The number of applications increased slightly from the previous year while the processing times for permits shortened significantly. In the first part of 2024, 15,959 people applied for the first permit, compared with 15,493 persons during the same time last year.

Consultation round on three-month unemployment rule begins: proposal deviates from Government Programme for specialists and permit holders who have worked in Finland for longer than two years

13.6.2024 9.57
The Government is seeking to strengthen the link between work and work-based residence permits, and to improve permit supervision. Worker’s residence permit holders in Finland would also have better opportunities to find new employment in sectors with a labour shortage. The Government proposal has been circulated for comments between 13 June and 16 August 2024.

Government’s proposal on EUR 1600 income limit for a residence permit for an employed person submitted to Parliament

6.6.2024 14.03
The Government proposed on 6 June 2024 that in future, persons arriving in Finland with a residence permit for an employed person should receive a monthly pay of at least EUR 1,600 for work carried out in Finland. In future, the income limit for a residence permit for an employed persons could be amended by government decree. The amendments are scheduled to enter into force on 1 November 2024.

Joint press release of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Finnish Immigration Service and TE Offices
Permit processing time reduces by half — automation speeds up decisions

25.3.2024 9.18
The development measures of the employment and economic development services (TE services), the Finnish Immigration Service and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment reduced the processing time of residence permits for employed persons to an average of 41 days in February 2024 from the previous year’s figure of 77 days.

Government’s proposal on income limit for residence permits for employed persons sent out for comments

20.12.2023 14.44
An income limit of EUR 1,600 would be set for the residence permit for an employed person. In future, the income limit would be laid down by government decree. The government proposal will be circulated for comments until 31.1.2024.




The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment creates the conditions for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable growth. It comes from skilled people in high-quality jobs, productivity growth and increasing employment.

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Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

The MEAE Group comprises seven government agencies, 15 Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, 15 Employment and Economic Development Offices, six companies plus three funds.

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Content with tag luvat .