Content with tag elinkeinot .
Content with tag elinkeinot .

Amendments to industrial peace legislation to enter into force on 18 May

16.5.2024 11.45
The Government proposes that the President of the Republic approve the amendments to industrial peace legislation at the presidential session on 17 May 2024. The amendments would enter into force on 18 May 2024.

Preparation of legislative proposal on local bargaining continues

12.4.2024 16.36
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has received 49 comments on the legislative proposals to promote local collective bargaining. The feedback received will now be analysed as part of further preparation. The draft proposal will also be sent to the Finnish Council of Regulatory Impact Analysis for evaluation.

Government submits its proposed amendments to industrial peace legislation to Parliament

29.2.2024 14.15
The Government proposes to increase fines for violating industrial peace, limit disproportionate solidarity action and restrict the length of political strikes. The reform would not restrict industrial action aimed at improving working conditions in one’s own sector.

Government proposal on amendments to industrial peace legislation to be finalised

22.2.2024 17.23
Minister of Employment Arto Satonen
Minister of Employment Arto Satonen
The Government is to submit a proposal for amendments to industrial peace legislation on 29 February 2024. The reform will enhance the sanctions system for unlawful strikes, limit disproportionate solidarity action and restrict the length of political industrial action.

Reform of local bargaining progresses

15.2.2024 15.58
The work of the tripartite working group preparing the reform of local collective bargaining is in final stages, and the outlines of the reform are clear. The consultation round on the working group’s report will begin in February.




The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment creates the conditions for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable growth. It comes from skilled people in high-quality jobs, productivity growth and increasing employment.

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Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

The MEAE Group comprises seven government agencies, 15 Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, 15 Employment and Economic Development Offices, six companies plus three funds.

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Content with tag elinkeinot .