Non-military service

A person can apply for non-military service for reasons of conscience based on conviction. Non-military service is a substitute for military service.

Non-military service lasts for 347 days and comprises a basic training period of 28 days and the work service lasting about 10.5 months. The work service is carried out at service locations approved by the Centre for Non-Military Service of which there are about 2,000 in different parts of Finland. There is no obligation to do refresher training.

The benefits of the persons liable for non-military service are determined according to the same criteria as those if conscripts. During the training period, maintenance costs (daily allowances, food, accommodation, healthcare and travel) are the responsibility of the Centre for Non-Military Service, while during the work service they are the responsibility of the service location arranging the work service.

The Centre for Non-Military Service is responsible for implementing non-military service, organising the training of the persons liable for non-military service and for guiding the service locations. The Centre for Non-Military Service, which is located at Lapinjärvi, is a separate unit of the KEHA-keskus.

The Centre for Non-Military ServiceLink to an external website Link to an external websiteprovides general advice on non-military service.

See also employment security during military or non-military service 


The changed significance of non-military service within the context of national service as a whole – Research report using pre- and post-non-military service questionnairesLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab, 2015 (abstract)