Occupational barometer: The number of occupations suffering from labour shortage has decreased

The number of occupations suffering from labour shortage is no longer growing. Only 52 occupations now experience labour shortage compared to 54 in the spring. A year earlier, the number of shortage occupations was 48.
Surplus of labour has been decreasing for some time, and now the decrease in surplus occupations seems to have stopped. In September 2019, the number of surplus occupations was 21. In the spring, the number of surplus occupations was the same, compared with 29 a year earlier.
This information is available in the Occupational Barometer published by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on 27 September 2019. The information is based on estimates provided by Employment and Economic Development Offices in August-September 2019.
Growing shortage of senior social work specialists and early childhood educators
There is a major shortage of skilled senior social work specialists, early childhood educators, office and institutional cleaners, and speech therapists. In the past, speech therapists and cleaners were generally in short supply.
Construction and industry sectors no longer account for the leading shortage occupations. In autumn 2018, the top 15 shortage occupations in the construction industry were construction supervisors, civil engineers, concrete placers and finishers, and other construction workers. Similarly, the top 15 list no longer includes welders, gas cutters and machinists.
Meanwhile, the health care and social welfare sector accounts for a growing number of occupations on the top 15 list of shortage occupations. In fact, it now accounts for half of the occupations on the top 15 list. In addition to the social and health sector, a number of occupations in the service and education sector suffer from labour shortage. New occupations on the top 15 list include special needs teachers and psychologists.
Surplus of job seekers for secretarial work and creative industries
Very few changes have occurred recently on the top 15 list of surplus occupations. Secretarial occupations in general continue to show labour surplus. Back on the top 15 list of surplus occupations are furniture and machine carpenters. In the spring, the labour market situation of these occupations in terms of supply and demand was estimated to be more balanced. Surplus occupations include many creative industry occupations such as product designers, and marketing and general communications specialists.
Employment and Economic Development Offices estimate that in the near future, recruitment needs for cleaners, domestic help, practical nurses, application developers and early childhood educators will continue to grow.
Full occupational barometer estimates can be found at www.ammattibarometri.fiLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab. The next employment outlook by occupation will be prepared in spring 2020.
Mika Tuomaala, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 8450, mika.tuomaala(at)tem.fi