Comments requested on report on security of supply

Rapid changes in the operating environment in recent years have brought security of supply and preparedness into the forefront of social discourse. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is currently preparing a report on security of supply, which will define the key policies for its development until 2030.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is preparing the Government’s first report on security of supply. The report describes the operating environment for security of supply as well as assesses its developmental needs in a changing environment. Current crises have elevated the importance of both national preparedness and international security of supply cooperation on the Nordic and EU levels.
“Systematic and long-term development into security of supply is required. Changes in the operating environment, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian attack on Ukraine, have elevated the importance of security of supply. The need for developing security of supply was already identified during the pandemic, and this report is intended to provide direction for this development work,” says Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen.
Minister Haatainen is in charge of security of supply and is the chair of the parliamentary group that monitors the preparation of this report.
The report determines the key security of supply principles and areas of development
The report aims to determine the key strategic policies for the functioning of security of supply through parliamentary preparation. The report and its implementation will ensure a sufficient level and capacity for security of supply as a part of overall security for Finland’s society. The report does not assess operational details in security of supply, and, instead, defines its key principles and areas of development.
Key areas of development have to do with financial resources regarding security of supply, updating regulations, sector-specific preparation and closer cooperation. Other areas of development include ensuring competences as well as developing the network model and continuous social dialogue.
The public officials’ preparatory work on the report has been guided by a cross-branch steering group, which includes the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment:, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance.
Comment submissions are open until 8 August
The invitation for comments regarding the draft report on security of supply is open until 8 August 2022. Comment submissions are accepted through the online service. The report will be finalised based on the feedback and scheduled to be submitted to the Parliament in September 2022.
Iiris Niinikoski, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7372
Henri Backman, Special Advisor, TEM, tel. +358 29 506 3581
Eeva Vahtera, Head of Division, TEM, tel. +358 29 504 9009
Antti Neimala, Director General, TEM, tel. +358 29 504 7039
Link to comment service (in Finnish)