Draft national programme on spent fuel and radioactive waste management and report on its environmental impacts out for comments

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority published a draft of the national programme for spent fuel and radioactive waste management on 5 August 2021. A report on the environmental impacts of the programme was released at the same time.
The ministries and the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority request comments on the draft programme and environmental report from authorities, operators in the sector, citizens and communities by 10 September 2021.
The national programme is a comprehensive plan aimed at ensuring that all spent fuel and radioactive waste generated in Finland is managed safely.
The national programme includes general objectives, principles, amounts and locations of spent fuel and radioactive waste management as well as an estimate of the costs and schedule of waste management. All waste management measures are to be implemented without undue delay.
Finland is required by the Directive on management of spent fuel and radioactive waste (2011/70/Euratom) to formulate a national programme. In national legislation, provisions on the programme concerning the use of nuclear energy and radiation are laid down in the Nuclear Energy Act and the Radiation Act, respectively.
An environmental impact assessment was carried out during the preparation of the programme. The assessment includes a description of the operating environment, objectives and likely significant environmental impacts of the project. The environmental impact assessment aims to take better account of environmental impacts when preparing and approving the national programme, to promote sustainable development, and to improve the public’s access to information and their opportunities for participation.
Comments on the draft programme and environmental impact assessment report can be submitted online, by email or by letter
The draft national programme and the environmental report have been published on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment at www.tem.fi/kansallinen-ohjelmaLink to an external website, on the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health at www.stm.fi, and on the website of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority at www.stuk.fi
The documents will be published online in Finnish. Their summaries will also be available in Swedish and English.
Comments and opinions on the draft national programme and the environmental report may be submitted until 10 September 2021. Statements or opinions may be submitted on the website Lausuntopalvelu.fi, by e-mail to kirjaamo@tem.fi or by letter to the Registry of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
The postal address of the Registry of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is
PO Box 32, FI-00023 GOVERNMENT. The visiting address of the Registry of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is Ritarikatu 2 B, 00170 Helsinki.
Linda Kumpula, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 412 4425 or linda.kumpula(at)tem.fi
Mia Ylä-Mella, Senior Inspector, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, tel. +358 9 759 88 202 or mia.yla-mella(at)stuk.fi Venla Kuhmonen, Inspector, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, tel. +358 9 759 88 327 or venla.kuhmonen(at)stuk.fi
Summary of the national programme for the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive wasteFile opens in a new tab pdf 170kB
Summary of the environmental report for the national programme on the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive wasteFile opens in a new tab pdf 170kB