Government aims to create economic growth and jobs in creative industries with support of roadmap and steering group
A new roadmap aims to ensure that the creative industries are more strongly part of sustainable economic growth. Currently, creative industries account for less than four per cent of Finland’s GDP, and the goal is to get nearer to the EU’s seven per cent average.
Earlier this year the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture drew up the roadmap together with operators in the creative industries, and now the ministries have set up a steering group to implement it. The Government aims to create more jobs in the creative industries, increase their share of the national economy and improve their conditions for working. The roadmap outlines how these goals can be realised.
“Creative industries and creative economic activities are in the frontline of digitalisation and transformation of work. So far, however, their potential has not been fully tapped in Finland. We need targeted measures to boost growth and much more active cooperation across sectors,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.
“I believe that with determined action we can strengthen the creative industries and create more jobs and increase productivity, even in other sectors. Besides, research shows that cultural products and services improve people’s wellbeing and sense of togetherness. It is about investing in sustainable growth and renewal,” says Minister of Science and Culture Annika Saarikko.
Competence of creative businesses to be boosted
The new roadmap aims to support the growth of businesses in the creative industries. New professionals are needed in many areas of competence; more IPR skills are needed in all businesses, and knowledge of the procurement process in the public sector is one example of important skills when selling services. It is necessary to boost data and analytics competence, too.
The roadmap measures are divided into five main themes:
- Identifying ecosystems and networks and changes in value chains
- Different kinds of skill gaps
- Business development services
- Measures to promote growth and internationalisation
- Assessment methods and indicators
Steering group to lead the roadmap implementation
The steering group guides and monitors the progress and implementation of the roadmap measures. It has representatives from authorities and from operators in the creative industries. The group’s term will continue until 30 April 2023.
The steering group is chaired by Member of Parliament Hanna Kosonen, while Director-General Ilona Lundström acts as vice-chair.
Members of the steering group on the creative economy roadmap:
- Riitta Kaivosoja, Director-General, Ministry of Education and Culture
- Kimmo Aulake, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture
- Sampsa Nissinen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Petra Tarjanne, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Teija Lahti-Nuuttila, Director, Business Finland
- Ilkka Rahkonen, Programme Director, Business Tampere
- Pekka Timonen, Mayor, Lahti
- Timo Ollila, Financial Director, Centre for economic development, transport and the environment for East Finland
- Petteri Ikonen, Director of Innovation, Xamk
- Anna Valtonen, Vice-President, Aalto University
- Kaisa Rönkkö, Executive Director, Music Finland
- Teemu Kalliala, Executive Director, Audiovisual Producers Finland
- Ilari Kuittinen, Chief Executive Officer, Housemarque Oy
- Risto Lähdesmäki, Chief Executive Officer, Idean Oy
In Finland, the creative industries include ten to fifteen sectors, from arts and culture businesses to creativity-based products, services and business models in other sectors. From the point of view of business development, business activities are divided into three categories: duplicate contents and products, creative expertise as a service, and experience services and environments, such as events and arts and cultural services.
Jenny Hasu, Special Adviser to the Minister of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7213
Petra Tarjanne, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 29 506 3691