Government grants four research permits for offshore wind power in Finland’s exclusive economic zone

On 29 December 2022, the Government granted research permits for offshore wind projects in four open sea areas in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. The permits were granted to Ilmatar Energy Oy for the research area “Voima” in the open sea area off the coast of Jakobstad and the research area “Norrskär” off the coast of Kaskinen. Eolus Finland Oy/Tuulia Offshore Ab and Wellamo Offshore Ab received permits for the research areas “Tuulia” and “Wellamo” in the Sea of Bothnia off the coast of Pori.
On 29 December 2022, the Government granted research permits for offshore wind projects in four open sea areas in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. The permits were granted to Ilmatar Energy Oy for the research area “Voima” in the open sea area off the coast of Jakobstad and the research area “Norrskär” off the coast of Kaskinen. Eolus Finland Oy/Tuulia Offshore Ab and Wellamo Offshore Ab received permits for the research areas “Tuulia” and “Wellamo” in the Sea of Bothnia off the coast of Pori.
Research permits off the coast of Jakobstad and Kaskinen
The Government gave Ilmatar Energy Oy a conditional consent to perform sea area and seabed research within Finland’s exclusive economic zone for the purposes of offshore wind power farm projects. The consent will be valid until 30 October 2024.
The research area Voima is located in the open sea area off the coast of Jakobstad. The nearest ports are Kokkola and Jakobstad. The research area covers 323 square kilometres.
The research area Norrskär is located off the coast of Korsnäs and Närpes, with the closest ports situated in Kaskinen and Vaasa. The research area covers 389 square kilometres.
Based on the conditional consent, Ilmatar Energy Oy is allowed to perform sea area and seabed research in the areas of planned new offshore wind farms. The decision is enforceable despite any appeal, unless the appellate authority specifies otherwise.
Two research permits off the coast of Pori
The Government gave Eolus Finland Oy/Tuulia Offshore Ab and Wellamo Offshore Ab a conditional consent to perform sea area and seabed research within Finland’s exclusive economic zone for the purposes of offshore wind power farm projects. The consent will be valid until 30 October 2024 for the research area Tuulia and until 30 October 2027 for the research area Wellamo.
The research area Tuulia is located in the Sea of Bothnia approximately 34 kilometres west off the coast of Pori. The project is estimated to contain 75–100 turbines and generate 1,500 MW of electricity.
The research area Wellamo is located in the Sea of Bothnia about 88 kilometres west off the coast of Pori. With its estimated 100 turbines, the farm would produce 2,000 MW of electricity.
As the project and research areas are in part included in Finland’s Maritime Spatial Plan 2030, they are potential areas for energy production. No Natura 2000 conservation areas or Finnish Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (FINIBA) are located in the research areas. The decisions are enforceable despite any appeal, unless the appellate authority specifies otherwise.
Government to make final decisions on offshore wind operators later
The Government has considerable discretion concerning the rights in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. Its position on research permits does not yet take a position on possible construction permits or other utilisation of the areas nor give any applicant priority in that regard.
The Government’s consent to conduct research in individual research areas does not mean that the holders of research permits will be granted an investment or construction permit nor that they will be given priority for research aimed at economic exploitation or a possible future construction permit in the areas. The Government is also not prevented from granting two separate, time-limited research permits for the same area in the exclusive economic zone.
The final decision on the implementation of an offshore wind farm will be made later during the permit process for the exclusive economic zone. A research permit does not prevent the Government from exercising its broad discretionary powers and granting other rights to the same area in the exclusive economic zone under chapter 3 of the Act on the Exclusive Economic Zone of Finland, while the research permit remains in force.
Kari Klemm, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 063 523
Outi Vilén, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 016
Päätös 29.12.2022: Valtioneuvoston suostumus Suomen talousvyöhykkeen taloudelliseen hyödyntämiseen tähtäävään tutkimustoimintaan (Eolus Finland Oy / Tuulia Offshore Ab ja Wellamo Offshore Ab)