Labour market roadmap project examines labour bottlenecks and proposes solutions

The labour market roadmap project provides important information about the problems related to the availability of labour. During the project, employers and employees met in eight sectoral groups to consider proposals for improving the situation. According to them, the transfer of labour from surplus occupations to shortage occupations and from one region to another should be speedier and the services for people moving to work in Finland could be improved.
Poor availability of labour is one of the most significant obstacles to business growth, and even to business operations as a whole. For this reason, Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen launched a labour market roadmap project in November 2021 with the aim of improving the availability of labour in all sectors throughout Finland.
In the eight sectoral groups, employers and employees have considered ways to address the labour bottlenecks. These proposals, which have been approved by the steering group, emphasise measures that increase the mobility of labour between sectors and regions and improve employment services more generally. The proposals also recommend more investments in recognition of foreign degrees and in services for people moving to work in Finland.
“I would like to extend my warmest thanks to all the groups for their work. The labour market roadmap project has shown that the reasons for labour bottlenecks are diverse. This means that we need different solutions too,” says Haatainen.
A labour market mismatch or a labour shortage?
The analysis group of the project has, together with the sectoral groups, also increased knowledge about the issue. Based on the old and new statistical data, the experts created a data model that provides more accurate and up-to-date information about the reasons behind the labour bottlenecks.
The new data model increases understanding of the difference between an absolute shortage of labour (i.e. there are no employees available at all) and a labour market mismatch where vacancies and employees do not meet. The model also provides more detailed information about the amount of work-based and education-based immigration Finland needs.
“It is important to have a clear picture of the reasons for labour shortages so that different sectors and regions can find effective solutions to improve the availability of labour at an early stage. I am pleased that the extensive and detailed knowledge base developed in the project will continue to serve decision-makers in the future,” Haatainen adds.
Summary results to be published in January
Haatainen and Under-Secretary of State Elina Pylkkänen will present and comment on the results of the project at an event. Tiina Korhonen, Director General at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Petra Lehto, Chief Specialist at the Ministry, and Kirsi Heinivirta, Director of the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (JOTPA) will tell about the existing measures to ensure the availability of labour.
A report on the results of the project and the observations based on data sets will be published in January 2023. The report will discuss the reasons for labour shortage and mismatch by sector and region.
The maintenance and development of the data model will continue after the project. The data compiled during the project is available to everyone. It can be downloaded from this page: Labour market roadmap data
Background of the Labour Market Roadmap project
The Labour Market Roadmap project sought to identify measures to improve the match between open vacancies and workers. These measures are important in order to raise the employment rate, improve growth opportunities of businesses and strengthen the funding base of the welfare state.
The project utilised data and earlier studies extensively. The roadmaps were created in collaboration with JOTPA and labour market organisations.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment led the preparation of the labour market roadmaps for the following sectors in 2022:
- Natural resources, food production and the environment
- Business and administration
- Education, culture and communication
- Transport and logistics
- Accommodation, food and beverage, tourism services
- Built environment
- Technology industry and services
- Process industry and production +
- Health, social and wellbeing (led by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health).
Elina Pylkkänen, Under-Secretary of State (Labour Market Roadmap project), tel. +358 295 047 474
Liisa Larja, Senior Specialist (data model and utilisation of data), tel. +358 295 047 036
Hanna Säntti, Communications Specialist (requests for interviews and materials), tel. +358 295 047 076
Työvoimapoliittinen aikakauskirja 4/2022: Liisa Larja ja Juho: Miten työvoiman saatavuuden ja kohtaanto-ongelman tilannekuvaa voidaan parantaa?